Saturday, August 31, 2019
Essay on Macbeth comparing to current events Essay
On March 16, 1988, Saddam Hussein launched an attack on people in his own country. 5,000 Kurds were dead, and 7,000 were either injured or had long-term illnesses. The attack was in Iraq’s city of Halabja and President Hussein only attacked because the Kurds did not support him, and he was retaliating. This ruthless destruction of innocent people proves that still in the world today there are people who are greedy, have ruthless ambition, and do not care how many lives they destroy, only if they can end up on top. In the play Macbeth by William Shakespeare, the main character was described as a greedy, heartless, and ambitious individual who was swayed into evil and let his ambition take control of his life. Even thought that Macbeth was written over 400 years ago, people today such as Martha Stewart, Jeff Skilling, and Saddam Hussein compare with the character Macbeth in many ways. â€Å"I have given suck, and know tender ’tis to love the babe that milks me; I would, while it was smiling in my face, have plucked my nipple from its boneless gums and dashed the brains out, had I so sworn as you have done to this.†(1.7.55-60) This quote from Macbeth shows how ruthless the character Lady Macbeth was and how she could murder her child if she swore she would. This compares with the brutality of Saddam Hussein and his attacks on his own Kurdish people. Only because the Kurds did not agree nor support Saddam and his regime, he said he would take measures to destroy them and he did. He launched chemical and biological weapons in the city of Halabja and the city along with its people are still trying to recover from this massacre. In Shakespeare’s play, the character Macbeth killed King Duncan and Fleance because those were the two people in Macbeth’s way, and prevented him from becoming King of Scotland. In Iraq, Saddam Hussein killed all of the people who opposed him and made himself the only person running for president because he scared everyone else. If someone else was thinking of running, or tried to, Saddam made him suddenly â€Å"disappear†and won the next election. This verifies that Macbeth relates to the current world; by having people still stop at nothing, destroying everything in their path, to achieve their goals. â€Å"Look like th’ innocent flower, but be the serpent under ‘t.†(1.5.65-66) This quotation is when Lady Macbeth is telling Macbeth to pretend to be a nice and heartwarming host, but underneath he is a nasty beast. This compares with Martha Stewart in the present day. She appears to be a nice and perfect role model for all people, but underneath is a villainous serpent. For example, Martha Stewart bought almost all of the flowers from one small business owner, and promised to pay him back. Weeks passed along with the months. Eventually the business had to declare bankruptcy because Stewart never wrote down that she was going to pay the owner back, and ran out of money. This establishes that Martha Stewart is a horrible person who cares for no one but herself. In Macbeth, this relates because Macbeth killed his best friend Banquo because he knew too much information, and Macbeth thought he was a threat, and had him killed. Even though that Banquo was a friend to Macbeth his entire life, Macbeth thought that he was a little pest and just had him killed in the blink of an eye. This validates that Macbeth relates to the current world, by having greedy people who think only about themselves rise up in the world and surpass their goals, but leaving all their friends and everyone they loved behind in a bloody trail of death. â€Å"The castle of Macduff I will surprise, seize upon Fife, give to th’ edge o’ the sword his wife, his babes, and all unfortunate souls that trace him in his line.†(4.2.150-153) This quote is right before his henchmen go to kill Macduff’s innocent child and wife. Macduff was the person Macbeth wanted to kill. Macbeth had nothing against Macduff’s wife and child, and Macbeth only wanted to kill them to make Macduff angry. Jeff Skilling, the CEO of ENRON is also guilty of destroying the lives of people under him. He was charged with insider trading, wire fraud, securities fraud, conspiracy, and making false statements. As compared the Macbeth, Skilling took the pensions away from hard-workers who were looking forward to big pensions after they retired. Many people lost their jobs and lots of money when Skilling was CEO of ENRON. Skilling could stop at nothing, even though he had millions of dollars, his ambition could never be satisfied. Both Macb eth and Jeff Skilling are the same in respect to they both do not care about people, and their ambitions are never satisfied. Overall, Martha Stewart, Jeff Skilling, and Saddam Hussein all relate to the plat Macbeth because they all were ruthless individuals. Greed, hatred, and driving ambition were all contributing factors that Macbeth shared with the three people. The thirst for having unlimited power and stopping at nothing to achieve that goal was a trait for both Macbeth and Saddam Hussein. The greed and complete disregard to others equally compares Macbeth with Martha Stewart. The driving and unrelenting ambition was a quality that both Macbeth and Jeff Skilling shared. Many people believe that William Shakespeare’s Macbeth is one of the greatest books of all times. This is because no matter what time period, the ideas represented in this play are still common traits in the current world.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Biological Behavior
Biological Criminal Behavior CJA/314 December 12, 2011 Biological Criminal Behavior Significant genetic and psychological evidence exists that supports the notion that biology played a role in explaining Mr. Hinckley’s crime of the attempted assignation of President Ronald Reagan by in 1981, including seriously injuring to three other people. According to Schmalleger (2012), â€Å"The shape of a person’s skull corresponds to the shape of the underlying brain and is therefore indicative of the personality, (p. 9). Because of the actions of John Hinckley Congress enacted changes to the law that affected the way defense attorneys used the insanity defense in order to protect their clients in court due to concerns that some defendants had no metal disorders, and others were classified as having personality disorders. Those who support the mens rea approach argue that if the courts had considered Hinckley’s mental culpability he would have likely been found guilty be cause they claim he was clear about his intentions. The notes Hinckley left for film star Jodie Foster showed how disturbed he was. John Hinckley reportedly admitted that he was fantasizing about the life of a character in a famous movie. This article went on to explain that Hinckley suffered from other physical ailments that caused significant weight gain and also required prescriptions such as Valium, antidepressants, and antihistamines. In addition, â€Å"At his trial the defense successfully won a battle to introduce a CAT-scan test showing the widened suici of the brain found, according to one defense psychiatrist, in one of three schizophrenics†(Carrithers, 1985, p. 24, para 7). During Hinckley’s trial the prosecution and defense both argued that he suffered from clinical issues such as paranoid personality disorder, depressive neurosis, process schizophrenia, or dysthymic disorder. The legislation passed by Congress relating to Hinckley’s insanity plea was aimed at protecting the rights of the mentally ill and of society. Now the defense has to prove that their client is psychotic, but are not mad creatures if they want to claim insanity. Incredibly, John Hinckley was recently in the news because the courts are currently contemplating about whether or not to release him into the custody of his mother who is elderly. Evidently the issue was serious enough for the federal government to get involved. For example, â€Å"Earlier this year U. S. Secret Service agents observed John Hinckley Jr. the man who shot President Ronald Reagan and three other men in a 1981 assassination attempt, go to a bookstore to read about President Reagan and presidential assassinations (ABC, 2011, p. 1, para 1). References ABC. (2011). Blogs. Retrieved from, http://abcnews. go. com/blogs/politics/2011/11/prosecutors-argue-against-john-hinckley-jr-release/ Carrithers, D. W. (1985). The Insanity Defense and Presidential Peril. Society, 22(5), 23-27. Schmalleger, F. (2012). Criminology today: An interactive introduction. (6th ed. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Explain the Decision Making Process with Example of Your Own
EXPLAIN THE DECISION MAKING PROCESS WITH EXAMPLE OF YOUR OWN. Introduction:- Decision making is an integral part of the most of the top manager's duties. Not even a single day passes without taking decisions particularly in modern organisations. Hence, management and decision making are considered as inseparable. In fact, whatever a manager does, he can do it only by taking some decision. All matters related to planning, organization, staffing, directing and controlling are engrossed in decision making process. That is why it is aptly pointed out that management is essentially a decision-making process.The survival and future success of any enterprise is directly related to the ability to take timely and appropriate decision by the executives. Thus decision-making is said to be the heart of management. Lot of planning exercise is to be initiated by the manager before taking any viable decision. The manager has to carefully plan and decide what to do or what not to do. Wrong decis ions quite often are proved to be either costly or futile. To prevent such losses, decision-making process remains to be the core are in all planned activities of the modern corporations. The selection from among alternatives of a course of action†, according to this definition, picking one course of action among alternatives available is termed as decision-making as per Koontz and Weinrich. In the words of George Terry,†decision-making is the selection of a particular course of action, based on some criteria, from two or more possible alternatives. †We can define this concept also as the process of choosing between various alternatives for achieving a specified goal. Every decision must take into consideration needs and future uncertainties.As per Herbert Simon there are three major steps in the decision making process. Decision making is about choosing from several options or ideas and taking action to generate a particular result. It is usually considered to be a rational and logical thinking process. J>Recognition and understanding of the problem. J>Various alternatives may be developed. J>careful assessment of alternatives available for taking a better decisions. Characteristics J>Decision making is a continuous process. J>The question of decision-making process must always be rational when there are alternatives.J>A decision-making process must always be rational and purposeful. J>Decision making is an intellectual process supported by good reasoning and sound judgment. J>Decision making is all pervasive in the sense that all levels of managers need to take decisions of varied nature. J>Decision-making is always related to future only. Troes of Decisions: Managerial decision may be classified into two categories, the first category includes the typical, routine and unimportant decisions and the second category covers most important, vital and strategic decisions.Apart from decisions are taken at different levels for meeting different p roblems. Oraanisational Vs Personnel Decisions:- As explained by Chester. I. Bernard, the decisions taken by the manager in his official capacity are termed as Organisational decisions. These decisions have a direct bearing on the functioning of the firm. Decision relating to reward systems or transfer of workers can be cited as examples under this category. In contrast to this, some times, decisions may be taken by the manager in his individual capacity and such decisions are termed as personal decisions.They may partly affect the personal life and partly affect the organization. Example,decision to quit the organization comes under this category. Routine Vs Strategic Decision:- Routine decisions involve little risk and uncertainty. Hence, they do not call for extraordinary judgement and thinking. They are mostly related day-to-day conduct of the business and taken repetitively. That's why they are normally taken at lower levels of management. On the other hand strategic decisions are taken by the top level management. Either they are concerned with policy matters or with long-term commitments of the organization.They require thorough understanding, analysis and best judgement, pertaining to location of the plant, type of technology and channel of distribution are the best examples of this type. Policy Vs Operating Decisions:- Policy acts as guidelines for future action. Hence,decisions pertaining to policies are usually taken by the top management. They are considered to be very important since they affect the total organization. While operating decisions are administrative in character, they help in translating policies into action.Decisions relating to a new incentive scheme may be termed as a policy decision. Decisions relating to the methodology of implementation of such incentive scheme are termed as operating decisions. Programmed Vs Non-Programmed decisions:- Programmed decisions usually deals with routine and repetitive problems. For dealing such pro blems, systematic policies, procedures and rules are established. Programmed decisions can be taken with little ease as everything goes according to some set of rules. But Non-Programmed decisions cover mainly unexpected events and challenges.In other words, each problem is unique in nature. For dealing with such special problems, executives usually refer them to the top management, tackling such situations , the manager needs expertise,intuition and creative thinking. Individual Vs Group decisions:- Decisions taken by the individual in his personal capacity are known as individual decisions. Organisations which are small in size can accommodate this type of decision-making process. When organizations grow in size and stature, complex problems do come into picture.Group decisions are considered to be the best under such situations. Group decisions represent the thinking of more than one executive. The various steps involved in the decision-making process are as explained below:- Ste p 1 – Defining the oroblem The first step is to define the real problem, money and efforts are going to be wasted if the problem is not determined correctly. That' s why, accurate diagnosis of the real problem is necessary to find out right solution. We should look at the real causes and for the remedial measures by knowing the inner details of the problem.Knowing only the outer surface of the problem and arriving at decisions may lead to fallacious conclusions. SteP 2- AnalYSing the Problem Once the problem is clearly defined, then, it must be analysed in the light of data pertaining to various factors that surmount the decision. Every situation may have some advantages and limitations. Necessary steps should be laid on locating the limitations and obstacles in achieving the desired result. Necessary care should be exercised in avoiding personalized bias in judging the certain factors. Analysis of crucial factors provides a sound basis for making effective decisions.Step 3- Developing alternatives The analysis of the problem becomes complete once it throws light on several alternative solutions. In fact, the success of decision-making process depends upon the ability of an executive in developing alternative solutions to a given problem. This requires lot of imagination, experience and judgement. Exploring the positive or negative impact of such alternatives forms as a solid base for sound decisions. Step 4- Evaluating alternative Once the alternatives are developed , the next step is to evaluate them in terms of their cause, time , impact and objectives etc.Many a time, either marginal cost or cost-benefit analysis is used to bring out the tangible benefits of each of such alternatives. Each alternative solution may have its own merits and de-merits. They should be compared with other alternatives for the purpose of appraising the real impact. As per Mr. Peter F Drucker, the important criteria for evaluating the consequences of different alternatives are risk,economy, time and limitations. Steo 5- Selecting the best possible solution Selection usually involves choice making. It is the last step in decision-making process.The manager has to select such an alternative course of action which can make the maximum contribution to the goal. It is not always possible to select the best alternative for a given problem. That is why the manger has to rely upon such course of action which can yield good results under a given set of circumstances and limitations. Step 6- Imolementing the decision Once the best alternative is selected, it must be implemented. This step mainly deals with the execution of the decision taken. It involves development of step by step plans, selling the idea to sub-ordinates and seeking co-operation from the needy people.At this stage, the decision is converted into action. The decision must be implemented in the right time and that too in a proper way. Step 7- Evaluation of Decisions The last step in decision-mak ing process is evaluation. The actual results of the decision should be compared with the expected results in order to locate the reasons for deviations. This review is a continuous process and it generates information for necessary feedback for further improving the decision-making process in future. Rationality in decision-making Rationality refers to objective and intelligent action.A decision is said to be rational if appropriate means are chosen to accomplish desired objectives. It implies that decision-maker tries to maximize the values in a given situation by choosing the most suitable course of action. A good decision depends on the makers being consciously aware of the factors that set the stage for the decision. Obtaining complete rationality is not always possible. That is the reason why people prefer to take satisfactory decisions instead of ideal or optimum decisions. Managers are not always confronted by the problem of rationality in decision-making.In practice, they c onfine themselves to few important alternatives which have limited risks combined with favourable consequences. Limits of Rational Decision making Managers are not always rational in their decision-making. They cannot always abide by the demands of rationality in decision-making process. There are some limitations to that and of which are as explained below. Since decisions are related to future, Managers cannot foresee all the consequences accurately. Moreover, lack of complete knowledge about the problem also makes it impossible to choose a good decision.Due to time and cost constraints, all complex variables that have a bearing on decision cannot be examined fully. Hence, the decision maker is forced to strike a balance between complete rationality and hard realities on the ground. The impact of all the variables cannot be ascertained because some of them are intangible. The consequences of various alternatives cannot be anticipated accurately. Hence, decisions taken under uncert ainty cannot guarantee the success of decision-making process. The Human factors like value systems, perceptions, social factors, institution etc. are the main limits on rational decision-making. Managers, being human beings, are greatly influenced by their personal beliefs, attitudes and biases. Because of this, the capacity of a decision-making process varies from individual to individual and from situation to situation. Every manger is vitally concerned with the above limitations in his approach to rational decision-making. He has to collect all the relevant information and try to overcome the above limits on rationality and choose the most rational decision for solving any given problem. Ba†iers of Effective Decision MakingApart from the above limitations, decision-making process remains to be ineffective because of the existence of various barriers in organization structure. These barriers impede the process of identification of problems. It's analysis and the development of the solutions. The following are the important barriers that can block managerial effectiveness in choosing the most suitable decision as per Elbing. The tendency of a human-being to evaluate a given problem with pre-conceived notions, act as a stumbling block in understanding the real situation.Though it's dangerous, managers feel safer if they do not change what is familiar. Eventually, the ineffective decision of a familiar way becomes accepted rather than considering new and innovative means. Many managers fail to demarcate the symptoms from the main problem. Many mangers have a tendency to respond to the problem instantaneously without proper infonmation and thinking. If they gather more infonnation, they become rather than what is unique in new problem. The above problems are mainly responsible for either indecision or for half decision in the modern organizations.Knowledge of the above problems will surely help the managers in arriving at pragmatic decisions. The followin g suggestions can be offered to overcome the above barriers so as to make the managers more effective in decision-making process. Avoid premature evaluation. Initiate impartial probing by avoiding personal biases on the outcome. Develop a sound system that can supply adequate information for making decisions. Encourage group leaders to respond to a given situation and compare the pros and cons of the solutions offered by the two groups for making an effective decision.Encourage innovative thinking among the sub-ordinates so as to identify the crux of the problem without waste of time and money. When decisions of critical and pivotal in nature are to be taken, encourage group thinking. For this, the problem is to be presented to the sub-ordinates first and they are asked to develop as many solutions as possible in a free environment. Techniques of Decision -making Brainstorming:- Brainstorming is the oldest and widely followed technique for encouraging creative thinking. It was origi nally developed by A. F. Osbom. It involves the use of a group.This is an approach to improve problem discovery and solving by encouraging sub-ordinates to give their ideas and solutions in a free environment, they will generate creative ideas. Continuous interaction through free discussions may result in spontaneous and creative thinking. The larger the number of solutions , the fairer are the chances in locating an acceptable solution. The research proves that on hour brainstorming system is likely to generate 50 – 150 ideas. It is interesting to note that while most of them are proved to be impracticable, at least, some of them merit serious consideration.This group process is not without limitations. It continues lot of time and therefore,is an expensive exercise. Secondly,it emphasises only quantity of solutions which more often than not proved to be superficial. By overcoming the above limitations, a modern manager can use this an an effective tool. Some of the claimed advantages of the brainstorming technique include:-  » It reduces dependence on a single authority figure.  » It encourages the open sharing of ideas.  » It stimulates participation among group members. It provides individual safety in a competitive group.  » It maximizes output for a short period of time.  » It ensure a non evaluative climate.  » It tends to be enjoyable and stimulating. Synetics- When compared to Brainstorming, synectics is a new concept developed by William J. J. Gorden. The terms ‘Synectics' is derived from a Greek word which refers to â€Å"Fitting together of diverse elements†. It starts on the premise that this concept encourages novel thinking for the development of alternatives through putting together different ideas which are distinct from each other.A given problem is presented to a group of people with different backgrounds and varied experience. It is the responsibility of the group leader to present the problem and lead the di scussions in order to stimulate creative solutions. This approach ensures on the spot evaluation of members suggestions. The leader who is a technical expert is always assisting the group in evaluating the feasibility of their ideas. But experience shows that synectics has been less widely used than â€Å"Brainstorming†. When the problem is real tough and challenging, this approach is used for effective decision-making.Like Brainstorming it also suffers from the same range of limitations. The synectic techniwue includes the following steps:- Problem statement and background information stage:- The group leader describes the general area of discussion but avoids identifying the specific problem . Creative thinking on the problem is encouraged. The leader presents background information on the problem and the goals associated with the idea solutions. Good wishing stage:- Group members are encouraged to wish for anything that comes to mind that could address the problem.As in br ainstorming, in this â€Å"freewheeling stage†people are encouraged to generate wild ideas and to hitchhike. Exploring ideas and not evaluating them are of utmost importance at this stages. Excursion stage:- Paricipants are asked to forget about the specific problem. They are asked to generate ideas about a somewhat unrelated are that eventually might be related to the problem at hand. Forced-fit stage. Participants take ideas from the excursion stage and force them to fit the initial problem. Although this often appears quite unusual and obtuse, it is intended to encourage creativity.In fact,evidence suggests that many great thinkers develop ideas from such experimental thinking. Intemized response stage:- The group picks one of the ideas generated during the forced fit stage and pursues it further. The idea is dissected on only its positive aspects are identified. After all the positive aspects have been explored,the idea's limitations are addressed. This focus on the posi tive is intended to encourage productivity and creativity. The outcome of the synectic process is a single unique plan or decision that has undergone considerable evaluation.The process tends to produce innovative ideas. Synectic approach can be quite useful for creative planning and decision making. Its cost is high. Furthermore, it produces only one potential solution to a problem. If that solution turns out to be unusable,the problem remains, and the process has failed. The Nominal Group: The nominal group consists of people knowledgeable on the issue to be decided who are in the same physical location and who are aware of each other but who do not directly interact while they are working together.The specific techniques for using the nominal group in decision-making vary with the situation, but usually the following steps are involved. l> The manger brings the group together and outlines the problem. l>Each member of the group generates a number of ideas in writing. l>Each membe r then presents a single idea at a time to the entire group. The ideas are written on a blackboard or on large pieces of paper, and discussion of them is limited to clarification. When no further ideas merge, or when the manager feels the process has gone far enough, each member votes on the ideas, again in writing.The final decision is summed outcome of the individual votes, but the manager is free to accept or reject it. Ooerations Research:- The Origin and development of operations research is attributed to military operations and applications in 2†³Ã¢â‚¬ world war. The war put tremendous pressure on the use of available scarce resources for various strategic and tactical operations. The success of operations research in developing options of effective and efficient nature was instrumental in making this approach rather dependable in decision making process.Now-a-days, greater emphasis has been laid on the use of mathematical models to reflect different options and constra ints in a situation and their effect on a selected goal. This quantitative approach to decision-making is usually referred as â€Å"Operations Research†. Of late, it has become an invaluable tool in the kit of a decision-maker. Operations Research employs optimizing models like Linear Programming, Project Management,Inventory Control, Decision Theory and Waiting Line Theory.Operations Research is the systematic method of studying the basic structure, functions and relationships of an organization as an open system. It always adopts a systems approach to management in getting things done. It is constantly interested in developing optimal solution with limited resources in a given situation. It covers six steps in its approach to problem solving. They are: a. Identification of a problem. b. Construction of a mathematical model to investigate the problem. c. Developing a good solution. d. Testing of the model in the light, the data available. e.Identifying and setting up of cont rol points. f. Implementation of the option as a solution to a critical problem, putting a solution to work. In essence, Operations Research attempts to develop the best solution that will contribute to organizational goals. Limitations of Operation Research:- Operations Research technique is not †¢ panacea to all the problems of modern management. In other words, it is not the end. Since Operations Research does not take intangible aspects into consideration, subjective judgement becomes difficult under this model.As the Operations Research technique directly depends upon the use of mathematical and statistical tools,it is increasingly becoming complex and costly exercise. Since decision making is a human process,It cannot be predicted properly. At the same time, the impact of such factors cannot be measurable. Delphi Technique:- It is a technique normally used for forecasting future events. It is a group decision making technique. Under this method, independent opinions are s ought from the members repeatedly so as to develop a best solution to a given problem.The success of Delphi technique depends upon a simple technique of understanding the problem from the other man's perspective. This ensures success. Though it is a useful technique, since it involves time and cost,it can not be tried in all situations. At the operations level hundreds of de(isions are made in order to achieve local outcomes that contribute to the achievement of a company's overall strategic goal. However, all these decisions are interrelated and must be coordinated for the purpose of attaining the overall company goals. Many decisions-making situations occur under conditions of uncertainty.For example, the demand for a product may not be 100 units next week but may vary between 0 and 200 units, depending on the state of the market, which is uncertain. Decision analysis is a set of quantitative decision-making techniques to aid the decision maker in dealing with a decision situation in which there is uncertainty. However, the usefulness of decision analysis for decision making is also a beneficial topic to study because it reflects a structured, systematic approach to decision making that many decision makers follow intuitively without ever consciously thinking about it.Decision analysis represents not only a collection of decision-making techniques but also an analysis of logic underlying decision making. The general process of the Delphi technique follows: A panel of people who are knowledgeable about a particular problem is selected. The members of the group never actually meet. The panel can have members both inside and outside the organization, and the individual members may or may not know who the other members are. A questionnaire about the problem to be solved is sent to each members of the panel. Each person is asked to make anonymous suggestions.These suggestions are pooled, and a feedback report is developed. The feedback report and a more advanced, second stage questionnaire are sent back to the panel members. Each panel member independently evaluates the feedback report, votes on the priority of the ideas contained in it, and generates new ideas based on it. The process is repeated until a consensus is reached or until the manager feels that sufficient information has been received to make a decision. A final summary feedback report is developed and set back to the group members. A major advantage of the Delphi approach is its anonymity.In groups that interact face-to-face, one person may dominate, or everyone may watch the manager for clues to what is wanted. Further is interacting groups and individual may take a stand and not want to back down for fear of losing face. Frequently experts are more concerned with defending their position than with reaching a good decision. Electronic meetings: The most recent approach to group decision making blends the nominal group technique with sophisticated computer technology. It's cal led the electronic meeting. The major advantages of electronic meetings are anonymity, honestly and speed.Participants can anonymously type any message they want and it flashes on the screen for all to see at the push of a participant's board key. It also allows people to be brutally honest without penalty. And it's fast because chitchat is eliminated, discussions don't digress and many participants can â€Å"talk†at once without stepping on one another's toes. Experts claim that electronic meetings are as much as fifty five percent faster than traditional face to face meetings. Phelps Dodge Mining for instance, used the approach to cut its annual planning meeting from several days down to twelve hours.Yet there are drawbacks to this technique. Those who can type fast can outshine those who are verbally eloquent but lousy typists, those with the best ideas don't get credit for them, and the process lacks the information richness of face to face-to-face oral communication. Bu t although this technology is currently in its infancy, the future of group decision making is very likely to include extensive use of electronic meetings. Decision making without probabilities:- A decision making situation includes several components, the decision themselves and events that may occur in the future, known as states of nature.Future states of nature may be high or low demand for a product or good or bad economic conditions. At the time a decision is made, the decision maker is uncertain which state of nature will occur in the future and has no control over these states of nature. When the probabilities can be assigned to the occurrence of states of nature in the future, the situation is referred to as â€Å"decision making under risk†. When probabilities cannot be assigned to the occurrence of future events, the situation is called â€Å"decision making under uncertainty†.Each decision will result in an outcome or payoff, for each state of nature that w ill occur in the future. Payoffs are typically expressed in terms of profit, revenues, or cost. For example, if decision 1 is to expand a production facility and state of nature a is good economic conditions, payoff la could b e $100,000 in profit. Once the decision situation has been organized into a payoff table, several criteria are available to reflect how the decision maker arrives at a decision, including maximax, maximin, minimax regret, Hurwicz, and equal likelyhood.These criteria reflect different degrees of decision-maker conservatism or liberalism. On occasion they result in the same decision; however, they often yield different results. Different decision criteria often result in a mix of decisions. The criteria used and the resulting decisions depend on the decision maker. For example, the extremely optimistic decision maker might disregard the preceding results and make the decision to maintain the status quo, because the maximax criterion reflects his or her personal decision-making philosophy.
The Importance of Derived Demand in B2B Marketing (Coca Cola) Essay
The Importance of Derived Demand in B2B Marketing (Coca Cola) - Essay Example The objective of the paper is to analyze the derived demand aspects of Coca Cola along with the segmentation and marketing channel used by the company. Several aspects such as competitors’ products, substitute products, raw materials and demographic factors among others can help to analyze the derived demand for Coca Cola’s products in market. Coca Cola, as a reputed band with operations all over the world, uses different channels in order to market its products. Coca Cola mainly segments its market on the basis of geographic and demographic factors. The report describes numerous business segmentation prospects for Coca Cola in the global market. With its effective marketing and segmentation strategies, Coca Cola can strengthen its brand image in order to fortify the product demand. Brief Overview To The Company In the year 1886, John Pemberton a pharmacist in Atlanta created history by forming a soft drink which was named Coca-Cola by his bookkeeper Frank Robinson. Later, in the year 1888, after the death of John Pemberton, an Atlanta businessman Asa Griggs Candler bought the rights of the company for a total of USD 2,300. He became the company’s primary President who brought the real vision to the business and the brand. Thus, Candler’s mission to create the invention of the soft drink into the largest beverage company in the world was being fulfilled, after a century when the company produced in excess of 10 billion gallons of soft drink (The Coca-Cola Company, 2011). Headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, the Coca Cola Company is the world’s biggest beverage company. It employs approximately 146,200 staffs across six operating groups. The product portfolio consists of above 3,000 beverages which are available in excess of 200 countries worldwide (The Coca-Cola Company, 2 011). The main mission of the company and its leaders are to refresh the world. The company through its products wants to bring happiness and encourage moments of cheerfulness among the people of the world. In its large variety of product portfolio, Coca Cola focuses on to make sparkling beverages that will enable the consumers to douse their thirst. Apart from these, the company is also spreading its businesses by developing other products, such as, energy drinks, mineral water and an African juice drink among others. The company’s focus on the soft drink category is evitable as it is selling over 1.7 billion servings of beverage every day all over the world (The Coca-Cola Company, 2011). Soft drinks are non alcoholic beverage that is consumed by larger portion of the age groups, from teens to elders. It is a drink that helps refreshing consumers and brings happiness and optimism in their minds. Thus, the different flavors consisted in the soft drink categories are generally not targeted towards a particular age group or gender, but almost all the population. Statistics reveal that in the year 2011, 92 servings of beverage products were consumed per person worldwide (The Coca-Cola Company, 2011). Drivers of Derived Demand Derived demand is a perception where demand of a specific product comes from or relies on
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Listening Response Beatles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Listening Response Beatles - Essay Example In short, the song is appropriately recognized as one of the most complex recordings by the Beatles and the extensive overdubbing and editing has not weakened the effect. On the contrary, as Brennan remarks, it has created "the right setting for a very good song." (Brennan) The overall magical effect of the song is intensified by the sound pattern and the most appreciable feature of the song is the creation of a kind of 'sound picture' in the composition which reflects the feelings of the composer. The other chief characteristics of the song includes its orchestral music, the unusual instruments in lieu of the traditional vocal and musical styles, and sound effects such as cymbals recorded and played backward. According to Roberts, "Strawberry Fields Forever," written by Lennon, evokes the feeling of the flower shows in the Salvation Army Camp, conducted every summer. "His words and music are like a lighthearted walk through a summer garden." (Roberts, 67) Unlike any other rock 'n' roll song of the past, "Strawberry Fields Forever" exploited the recording technology as well as creativity to the maximum. To speak specifically about the composition of the song "Strawberry Fields Forever," it is important to note that Lennon was particular about the lyrics to be like a conversation.
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
A Crisis of trust Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
A Crisis of trust - Essay Example After the recession hit, trust has been the key in holding on to one’s place in the market. The post-recession world is one where trust delivered by the company has been ensuring brand loyalty by the consumers. But from time to time, high profile companies and organizations such as Google, Barclays, and Starbucks are surrounded by controversies not only damaging their image but also their relationship with their consumers. Controversies only find their way to the organization when the company fails to provide excellent customer service and starts rating their profits above their customers. Businesses and markets rely on the fundamental entity of trust to demonstrate stability and long term profitability. Barclays Plc. and LIBOR Recently one such example of rigged trust was seen with Barclays LIBOR scandal. Barclays is the 2nd largest bank in the United Kingdom and the 15th largest in the world. Barclays has established a strong reputation for itself over the years. But recentl y it became part of a controversy that has resulted not only in the resignation of its chief executive (Zhong, 2012) but also a fine of ?290 million (Bolger, 2012). Barclays plc suffered a serious blow to its reputation when it was found involved in lying about its LIBOR (London Inter Bank Offered Rates) rates. This resulted in Barclays illegally and unethically ending up with their consumer’s money in their pockets. ... ick Cooper of Millward Brown believes, ‘The situation for Barclays is incredibly serious; it has turned Barclays from being the hunter into potentially being the prey. That is a huge and very rapid turnaround. It would be a crying shame if Barclays disappeared but a lot of consumer trust in the brand has been lost’, (2012). In YouGov’s August 2012 poll, 17% of Barclay’s customers are considering switching their service (Rowe, 2012). Google Privacy Issues and Shattered Trust Ever since Google has been the leading search engine of the world, it has also been closely followed by issues in its privacy policy and how it handles its customer’s information and data. It is surrounded by privacy concerns in most of its products and services that it offers. A survey was recently conducted, which interviewed 1,317 people. 57% of the people were of the view that the Google Street View service was an intrusion in the private lives of the laymen (Do you know whoâ €™s watching you?, 2012). Consumers in this time of awareness are quite accustomed to their data being collected and used, but if the company does not follow adequate rules and regulations with regard to privacy management, the consumer is more than likely to show lack of trust and leave the use of that service altogether. Google has been encountering a number of privacy scandals for some time. According to the 2012 YouGov Brand Index, Google has been replaced by Amazon as the top Internet brand in Britain, due to its privacy controversies (‘Google’s â€Å"on Wane†’, 2012). Google, due to its flawed privacy policy, may be subjected to fine by the European Union as it has not fixed its privacy policy as per the CNIL request, and the EU has considered Google’s response to the request as ‘unsatisfactory’
Monday, August 26, 2019
Case response Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Response - Case Study Example Southwest’s growth strategy has always been to stay away from big cities characterized by delays in airports and instead concentrate on secondary options, which basically are less crowded. Such an approach as this has worked for the airline in the past allowing it to swiftly turn around its aircrafts in addition to flying more routes while at the same time staying realistically on time. Nevertheless, regardless of what looks like a cannot-lose situation, the airline could also be taking a huge gamble in LaGuardia; although a pretty secure one. Southwest is an airline that is known for its reliability on timely service, not only for its customers but also behind the scenes. The delay issues experienced in New York cannot just be underestimated-every one of the big 3 regional airports is frequently among the poorest performers especially in terms of punctuality-and will pose a great challenge for Southwest to surmount. Thus for Southwest to turn around the situation, and sustain its fast-turnaround approach of operation, it has its work already cut out. Whitney Eichinger-Southwest’s spokesperson has been on the record pointing out that the airline has proved critics wrong and succeeded in Philadelphia where everyone thought Southwest would run into difficulties (Heskett & Sasser Jr, 2013). Nevertheless, a move to LaGuardia is an exceptional opportunity that will not only open a huge population of business travelers but also the 8 million New Yorkers-some of whom may forego a ride to Long Island simply to snag low fares offered by the airline. This would especially be a catch if Southwest flies to Chicago and possibly Florida. The Airline’s fans in New York will especially be extremely happy since they will say goodbye to long and boring drives out the expansive Expressway of Long Island. In addition, Southwest will have access to a wide pool of weekday customers flying to such cities as Dallas, Toronto and Chicago. The airline will also increase its
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Health Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Health - Essay Example It also display Australian Health Care Agreement for equitable access for public health care irrespective of geographic location. Another article on medical dominance features the health division of labour, and a body of literature has developed exploring the structural components contributing to the subordination of the allied health professions. This article is taken from nursing literature describing the nature and source of nurses perceptions, complaints and dissatisfactions with their profession. It encompass the sociological analyses of the situation of nurses within the organization of the health care delivery system. Results indicated that Australian and British nurses were not only disappointed with many facets of then- work atmosphere, especially their pay and working conditions. The article manifests the medical profession to be highly satisfied for British nurses as compared to Australian nurses, due to lack of autonomy. It is therefore recommended that to have a congenial working atmosphere, a harmony must be established between the care takers, nurses and other staff and medical professionals Adamson, B., J., Kenny., D., T., Wilson-Barnett, J., 1994, The impact of perceived medical dominance on the workplace satisfaction of Australian and British nurses Journal of Advanced Nursing, Vol. 21(1), 172-183. Health care funding: the article describes about the various parameters which must be considered for providing health care funding. According to this article the first Health Policy consensus group paper examines 11 healthcare funding systems. These include: Normand, C. and Busse, R., ‘Social health insurance financing’, in Mossialos, E. Dixon A., Fugueras, J. and Kutzin, J. (eds.), Funding Health Care: Options for Europe, European Observatory on Health Care Systems, OUP, 2002. Health Care Policy: the article states that by collecting and analyzing health outcomes data it becomes
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Ground Response and Seismic Slope Stability Coursework
Ground Response and Seismic Slope Stability - Coursework Example In this report, two parts are considered. In the first part, a ground response analysis for two sites is run while the second part proposes possible design accelerations on basis of the analysis in designing of an embankment structure that will support the proposed roadway. Both of the proposed sites are located in Jamaica. With regard to ground response analysis, edushake analysis program is made use and the results obtained are as displayed in the various tables displayed throughout this report. The input data used are as provided in the coursework materials while the thickness is obtained through calculation of the difference between the depths. A table from the web forms the basis of assumptions made with regard to respective soil’s unit weight. Each soil type has its respective stress (), pore pressure (u) as well as effective stress (’) associated with it (Bhandari and Sharma, 2001). Two equations, one for sand and the second one for clay are used in in calculatio n of maximum shear stress based on the literature from the book of Steven Kramer’s. ... Width of crest: 15m Height of embankment: 11m Traffic loading surcharge: 15kPa Design PHA (horizontal acceleration): 0.3500g from the ground response analysis 0.3500g from the ground response analysis 0 The embankment is designed using a 1.56 safety factor to facilitate long term and short term stability. With the help of STB2010, the embankment’s parameters were generated using the ordinary method of slices also referred to as Fellenius method for static and seismic stability analysis. The necessary soil characteristics are provided in the table below: Drained strength with strength parameters: c’=0kPa and Ã'„=25? Unit weight of water: ?w = 9.81kN/m2 Undrained strength: c’=85kPa Unit weight of placed material: ? = 20kN/m2 It should be noted that the water table is located at the toe of the embankment. All the assumptions and calculations for the design of the embankment are shown from the Figure 3.1 to the next page. The data as provided in the spreadsheet is as shown below: Basing the divisions on four slices, the ordinary method of slices for design of embankments for drained as well as undrained soil is used. The initial embankment was generated based on the six slices. Consequently, an angle (?) was established in the middle of each slice at the horizontal’s base after which sin (?) and cos (?) were obtained. The equation given below was used in evaluation of the length of each individual slice: The height was measured from the middle of each slice. Additionally, the height (hw) was measured from the middle base of each slice to the point of the water table after which the pore pressure at the base of the slice base was calculated based
Friday, August 23, 2019
ETHICS (Response to a Case Study Dilemma in an Information & Essay
ETHICS (Response to a Case Study Dilemma in an Information & Technology Organisation) - Essay Example And as, organizations requires order, and as, every organization faces its own ethical problems, having a well-defined code of ethics is more than important to safeguard the organization against unethical practices detrimental to the organization’s reputation and services (Heermance 1). This is so because code of ethics set the tone for the expected company’s behavior as, â€Å"it outlines uniform policies, standards and punishments for violations†(Pride, Hughes, & Kapoor 45), thereby guiding organizations in dealing with and judging â€Å"situations not specifically covered in written instructions†(Canton 13). These make code of ethics more than important to the organization as it ensures order in and secures the organization. In business, not all gifts are pleasant and safe to receive as, these can be sources of ethical issues, specifically conflict of interest – â€Å"occurs when a person’s or organization’s obligation to act in the interest of another is interested with by a competing interest that may obstruct the fulfillment of that obligation†(Crane & Matten 366) as illustrated in the case under review. Here, the stakeholders – the owner of a small printing business unexpectedly received a parcel containing 12 bottles of expensive scotch whisky in the mail from the manager of the business’s biggest contract delivery company, two weeks before New Year, yet a few weeks before the expiration of their contract. First, although gift giving is generally an act of goodwill, it is also a bribe. In this case, factors drawing the line between goodwill and bribe such as the relationship of the giver to the receiver, the timing, the costs, and the manner of delivery, i ndicate that the gift is meant to gain (Roa 106) the owner’s choice of Delivery Company in favor of the gift-giver as against other applicants. In this light, acceptance of this gift
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Cyclermate Report Essay Example for Free
Cyclermate Report Essay I. An executive summary Dai Armstrong and Lewis Llewellyn are the two men who planned to open their own company after being superfluous due to the shutting down of the steel plants in their town of South Wales were Dai Armstrong and Lewis Llewellyn. They became good friends because of taking part in the local club of cycle touring together and decided to start Cyclermate, which was a bicycle manufacturing company that was laid down in the year 1988. In the beginning of time, Cyclermate gained a huge influence over the share of the market. The company appeared well with no problems and difficulties up to 2010, the time when the business is in trouble, it confronted lots of consequences with respect to operation human resource and finance. Therefore, the demand by purchasers fell continue sadly even though the prices were cut down by the company; the distinguishing attributes of the goods were not up to the quality as they were earlier. The rising complaints from the customers regarding degrading quality and faults in the product and the concern by the bank manager regarding the overdraft could cause trouble if the problems are not solved as soon as possible. Because of that, the company requires a right way to deal with this issue and save it from the edge of going bankrupt. II. Introduction Based on case study research in Cyclermate Ltd. and a series of case in community, this report will work out the financial problems and various other problems confronted by Cyclermate. It has been designed to analysis the business environment and management, measured by SWOT and PET models that are required to be looked upon. The report also draws on a brief summary for the financial side of the business. In addition, this report takes into account an examination of difficulties confronted by Cyclermate and possible solution for the problems, included short and long term solutions. Another function of this report is to examine how the company could get out of the crisis and get back to the current market share. Finally, the report brings us some recommendations and conclusion of the whole Cyclermate case study. III. Analysis of Business Environment 1. PEST Analysis PEST analysis is involved in the chief external environmental that effect or control considerably a business strategy. As we can see, PEST is aimed for Political, Economic, Social and Technological matters that can affect the business. PEST is recognized to persuade it in a utile manner of summarizing the external environment. However, it may be adopted the ability of how an establishment should react to these factors. Political Factor A political factor has a powerful impact on income tax, labor law, trade restriction and many more. Company did not recruit enough workers to meet the targets and worker had to work overtime to get the work done and workers are getting paid at normal rate. Using a traditional method may harm workers health and decreased their productivity as well. These mistakes made Cyclermate become a target of health and safety agencies. They have to improve the quality or else they can be stuck in authorized issues. On the other hand, they also need to achieve higher standard in manufacturing to meet requirements of the market, especially foreign markets. Economic Factor Cyclermate had purchased a larger storehouse for goods, which indeed was essential to them but did not suffice their requirements. Purchasing a warehouse, which fulfilled the needs of the company, could have saved a lot of money and that same money could have used in new or currently in existence projects. Another factor in economics that affects to the development of Cyclermate Ltd is labor. The unemployment rate is increasing, therefore, this is a good chance for this company to choose worker more easily, and employ them easily with affordable price. Social Factor Social factor has a powerful impact on human behavior, Cyclermate had many order but they did not have enough workforce to complete these orders. They have to work long hours in order to achieve their goals. One more important thing is that high-speed innovation as well as the increasing demands of consumers requires Cyclermate to change and improve every day. But there is a truly infact that living standard of clients could effect to their choices. The higher income distribution they get, the higher demands they re Technological Factor Cyclermate Ltd is using the oldest way to advertise their products by posting advertisement in traditional newspapers. It has limited their goods to the customers. Instead, this company can set up its own website. In addition, Cyclermate Ltd is using the oldest way to advertise their products by posting advertisement in traditional newspapers. It has limited their goods to the customers. Instead, this company can set up its own website. 2. SWOT Analysis It is a methodical technique that is utilized to categorize and identify substantial external (Opportunities and Threats) and internal (Strengths and Weaknesses) factors confronted with a specific area. (Johnson, 1993) It renders data which are useful in corresponding the capabilities and resources to the spiritual atmosphere in which it functions and hence is a significant addition to the planning and marketing procedure. (Pearce, 2005) Let have look at the SWOT of cyclermate to understand more about the current issue that company has to face with. Strengths Direct channels of sale Cyclermate has direct channels of sales with the direct sales and direct shops; hence intermediary’s cost is largely eliminated. Reducing the cost of manufacturing could unquestionably help Cyclermate achieve a huge share of the market. As direct channels are in direct contact with the providers, thus, it could help in increasing in quantity or value of the sales and it provides a good opportunity to the providers to empathize the clients and could make required changes are per the requirement of the customers. Motivated workforce The employees at the Cyclermate are extremely pioneering and are can fully utilize and achieve any given objective or alterations in the company but they are inhibited by the administration as a result they are unable to express their views freely. The employees could have a crucial role in the company for its overall growth and development. Possession of buildings and lands Unlike Cyclermate most of the companies don’t possess either building or land and hence have to pay the heavy rents which adds to the cost but cyclermate can make any changes in the buildings and could capitalize in whichever way they wish to as they own it, which reduces the overall cost. Weaknesses Inexperience and unmotivated staffs of the company The company has made use of untrained workers. These untrained workers are not given the proper training after their employment. It is the fact that the employees and the staff are never allowed to put forward their creative and self-ideas due to the policies of the management, as a result of this motivation in the staff is lost. Sales are decreasing in amount or degree and there is piling up of stocks in the warehouses which generates a feeling among the staff that they are not under a good management and as this feeling flourishes they lose hopes from the company and it has a very bad impact on their morale. The investors do not truly interested in the business Due to the low returns on the capital invested by the investors, they are unhappy with the performance of the company and are losing faith in it. In addition, the very fact that the shareholders were not paid any interest last year, it may result in the withdrawal of their money from the company. The quality concerns Because lack of the power to be effective of the staffs to keep up the measures of the goods and the quality of raw material utilized is leading to degraded quality of the goods eventually. Old machinery such as traditional spaying technique, painting and low-quality stock control technology needs updating as soon as possible if the business hopes to improve the production and sales in the coming time. Opportunities Take the advantages of social media Cyclermate should launch its website, which provides complete detail and range of the products available with them. Company can employ a new computer system for keeping a good database of the company. They can introduce online selling and modification according to the wish of customers. Introduction of new machines They should introduce some of the modern machinery in order to achieve higher-level productivity. Cyclermate could bring in new robotic machinery in the production process that will lead to speedy output and a superior quality of goods. Employ trained workers They have the opportunity to make use of the trained workforce, which has been recently laid off from the nearby production site. More workforce means opportunity to gain more productivity. Threats Overseas competitors As a result of the growth to a global or worldwide scale, many companies from across the globe have entered the market with products of low price and high quality, which certainly is a threat for Cyclermate as it supplies good with high cost and of lower quality. Due to recession, which is prevailing in Europe the purchasing power of people is going down. Thus, company can have reduced sales or can face financial crises. Reputation Due to poor-quality product for a period of Cyclermate’s reputation is going down and therefore people do not like to go for their products. Huge retail Merchants Retail Merchants like Argos and Halfords are captivating the market eventually and it might happen that Cyclermate may lose the market share completely. Customer threatens them to sue their company after their product was fail in delivering the good performance. IV. Analysis of Business Management 1. Financial Problems Prob. 1.1: Uncontrolled cost The main problem that company is in this situation is because of the uncontrolled cost and mismanaged budget. The costs are increasing yearly with the sales and selling price of the products going down. Let have look at the financial statement that company has  £210,800 worth of non-current assets. Loan request will be refused as company only holds cash fund of  £675 into their bank account. Costs are increasing at a rapid rate year after year. Asset turnover ratio is 2.06:1. This indicates that the profit margins for the company are very low that’s why the ratio is so high. We can also conclude from this that the company’s pricing strategy is not effective leading to lower profits. Prob. 1.2: Dealing with a big loan Creditor days – 24 days leads to the company has to pay back it its debtors in 24 days and it is just left with 675 £ of cash. The Company is liable to pay  £87,500 to the creditors and if they don’t so a legal action may be taken on them, which are not good for company’s reputation. They may talk to the creditors and ask for an extension in time for payments as they are going through financial crisis and don’t have money right now to pay back. Prob. 1.3: Lots of inventories Besides, it shows that the majority of inventories are stored and not effectively managed, that is why current ratio is at such high level, which also means low sales and low revenue gained. Moreover, the company relies on the bank loan as the main monetary support. 2. Operation Problems Prob. 2.1: Stock control system Disturbingly, materials are always in the shortage which results in the disruption of the production process recently. Although the demand is higher and higher, company cannot meet their requirement because of lacking necessary components. Prob. 2.2: Inappropriate division of duties The inappropriate division of duties obviously had made such a burden on many workers. In particular, Dai Armstrong has to deal with many tasks such as making all the frames, factory manager and business director at the same time. He himself also finds it hard to keep up the level of production (approximately 8 frames/day) because it requires the harsh physical demands. Prob. 2.3: Assembly is a complex process Moreover, assembly is a complex process, which takes 2 or 3 hours for one person. Janice Jones and Ffred Gregory often have to work overtime to catch up with the progress. As a result, their health and time issue could be heavily damaged. 3. HR Management problems Prob. 3.1: Improper workforce in manufacturing Unreasonable workforce division is one of the most serious problems of Cyclermate Ltd. Besides, lack of experienced employees and the aging workforce are worrying the production process and raising a big question for a more effective training system. Prob. 3.2: The training system creates The training system creates such obstacles for the assembly process. Typically, Fred, who is 18 years old, is a new and un-experienced person; the training for him is necessary, however, not easy at all. It takes so much time to instruct Fred in traditional way, which is apparently the cause of slow production recently. Prob. 3.3: Corporate culture The staff is highly de-motivated due to decreasing sales and profits and also the behavior of the management as in the sinking company they are not free to put up their ideas even if they do they are rejected because of the superiority of the management. V. Solution A. Short term and immediate planning 1. Financial problems: Solution 1.1: Cost in selling and distribution Cost in selling and distribution could be possible declined to save more money for the company such as cutting cost for postage and courier charges by substituting by cheaper service, as well as the travelling and hospitality. Those indirect costs contribute such high cost to the manufacturing of the cycles, restricting them would help boost the sales with cheaper price. Solution 1.2: Ask for trading debtors to repay The solution to this issue is that they should strictly resolve and for the trade debtors to repay the loans as soon as possible. The amount of $200,571 would help the financial situation better in the coming time. Once their assets are raised through and their liquidity are proved to be valuable enough to afford the loan, it will be beneficial for them to borrow money from the banks. Solution 1.3: Direct sale prices Cyclermate’s direct sale prices are higher than shop sale price. In order to generate healthy revenue, Cyclermate needs to reduce their direct sale price. By reducing the direct sale prices will increase their sale and it will be easy for them to generate healthy revenue. 2. Operation Problems Solution 2.1: Buy stock when needed Company should only buy stock when they needed. Buying stock earlier will harm company’s financial positions, because raw material does not hold their value and it has got more chances of losing its market value. Solution 2.2: Require clear division A good answer for this problem is that the company should require clear division to who is able to undertake and separate arrangement of duties. Specifically, assigning other qualified person on frame-making position so that Mr. Dai could concentrate and dedicate himself to external relations business only. Solution 2.3: hiring more experienced labors The company should consider hiring more experienced labors for assemble line and frame-making because Mr Dai can no longer put up with the physical requirement of the task. With those simple tasks like packaging, it is acceptable for free hand employees to help out, but only when they finished all their tasks. 3. HR Management problems Solution 3.1: Employ cheaper labors In this case, the company can consider employ cheaper labors that are suggested by Maldwyn Jones: Chinese or Taiwanese labor to make the machine for them- much better quality but half the price and move Idris Pugh to higher position as a supervisor for the whole wheel-making process. Solution 3.2: Improving the staff’s skills This training program involves directly in the new changes with a purpose of improving the staff’s skills, expertise and methods to complete an error-free task, exposing them to unfamiliar ideas and of course, giving them the chance to practice task under time/speed limit. Solution 3.3: Core business value Trust in others and a firm belief in overcoming difficulties (set up new mission: overcome difficulty, minimize waste and consequence) B. Long term and efficiency improvements Present fiscal condition of Cyclermate (Accounting ratios).The acid / liquid ratio of Cyclermate is 0.76:1, which depicts Cyclermate is incapable to satisfy indebtednesses of shorter term, which mean that it would not be competent to satisfy fiscal difficulty which may happen in the time to come. The Asset turnover ratio for Cyclermate is 2.06:1. As the ratio is excessively high, this means that profit margins are very low. The pricing strategy of Cyclermate is ineffective and because of that low profit. Return on capital employed –Cyclermate has far too less returns on the capital employed, just a mere 0.11 or 11%. Debtor days –It would take Cyclermate 115 days to get back the money from debtors. Creditor days – Cyclermate has to pay back in 24 days to its debtors with a cash balance of 675 £. The financial statement of Cyclermate shows that it has non-current assets which is of worth  £210,800.Any request regarding a loan from the bank will be refused as it has a mere cash balance of  £675. It may get a loan based on the position of its non-current assets. In place of the above-discussed alternative, it can sell its freehold land, which is worth  £160,000, and use the proceeds from the sale in the business. Cyclermate could acquire funds if they pursue its trade debtors to pay off soon. Debtors worth  £200,571 are to be recovered and the funds would be acquired soon if the debtors do not default and pay in full. Once it has sufficient fund, Cyclermate could apply for the bank loan. VI. Conclusion Overall, Cyclermate will have a better future if they operate their business in slightly different ways. Cyclermate products were famous for its quality and price,if the company still provide what the consumer wants than it would be no harm to the company. But there few changes needs to be changed and once the new rules and regulation apply into the business than it would be a great opportunity for Cyclermate to operate their services. Moreover, With the movement of new threats into the marketplace the present systematic plan of action of Cyclermate is continuously below the acceptable level in its performance due to the fact that the new firms and the existing organizations are coming up with improved quality of products at a cheaper price VII. Recommendations The company must sign up correct individual as per the requirement of the position. Currently the management is interfering in the process of production and is unable to focus of the activities they should be concerned. The financial hardships through which Cyclermate is going through at present could be resolved by selling the unused stock that is piled up in the warehouse. In order to generate revenues and funds to invest in other arena of the company, Cyclermate must sell its freehold land that would certainly generate high revenue. In order to achieve higher output and productivity, modern technology should be applied in the production process. Installing a computer database through which the management could look into all the important and relevant data as and when required. Cyclermate should launch its website, which provides complete detail and range of the products available with them. Reducing both direct sales prices so as to sell the current stock and trade debtors. Employing young and trained workforce that is fit for the position.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Data Analysis for Research Essay Example for Free
Data Analysis for Research Essay Scenario 1: Customer Perceptions of the Toyota Brand WKB Toyota in Chichester want to investigate customer attitudes towards the Toyota brand, to see if the press coverage regarding mechanical failures during 2009-2010 have had any long-term impacts on customer loyalty and potential sales to new customers. In the first instance, WKB can offer access to their own marketing database. Scenario 2: Market Segmentation for Visit Chichester Visit Chichester is in the process of realigning its marketing strategy to key customer groups in order to more effectively promote the visitor economy in the Chichester District. As part of the process they wish to conduct research to investigate current attitudes towards the Visit Chichester website. They wish to seek views from across a range of profiles including families with children, couples, and the retired market. The results will be used to determine the structure and content of the new Visit Chichester website. Scenario 3: NatWest Banking Charter Following its widespread publicity campaign, which included TV adverts and street billboards, and as part of its commitment to customer service, NatWest wish to undertake research to establish the impact of its Customer Charter. More specifically, they want to ascertain whether it has lead to a discernible improvement in customers’ perception of the bank’s service quality. They also wish to undertake an internal audit to assess whether staff have noticed an impact of the Charter. Scenario 4: The Green Economy The West Sussex Sustainable Business Partnership has commissioned the University of Chichester undertake research assessing the level of sustainable business practice by businesses across a range of sectors in West Sussex. Specifically the WSSBP would like to establish the extent to which businesses are adopting green measures in key areas such as operations management, purchasing, and energy management. They also want to establish business awareness of available support for going green, and general business attitudes to the green agenda. The results will help WSSBP help businesses prepare for the green economy being championed by the coalition Government. Scenario 5: HMV Music In the light of poor trading figures, and the imminent closure of 60 of its UK branches, HMV want to undertake research to ascertain the factors that are causing poor sales and determine which product lines should be continued and which ones should be discarded. They are also interested in how they can improve their online sales performance as part of a realignment of their retail strategy. Scenario 6: Tourism Industry Response to Recession and Recovery The Sussex Tourism Partnership have commissioned the University to undertake research into the impact of recession on the tourism industry in Sussex, and the strategic response adopted by tourism businesses, including accommodation providers and attractions. They wish to establish the degree to which different sectors have felt the impact of recession, either positively or negatively, and identify the key measures these businesses have taken to remain competitive in the current downturn. Scenario 7: Evaluation of Goodwood Motor Racing Events The Goodwood Road Racing Company (GRRC) has commissioned the University of Chichester to undertake research investigating visitor perceptions of the overall quality of the visitor experience at the Goodwood Festival of Speed and Revival. They also want to assess visitors’ views about potential new events, products and services that could be developed at Goodwood that would increase revenue without significantly increase the negative impacts currently generated by the Festival of Speed and Revival events. Scenario 8: Green policies at Sainsbury PLC The aim of the research is to establish whether there are any economic benefits from adopting green business policies at Sainsbury supermarkets. The supermarket’s Operations Manager wants to identify ways in which the economic impacts of Sainsbury’s adoption of green business polices can be measured. In particular, she is interested in the identification of costs and benefits associated with implementing green business policies at Sainsbury, and to identify the economic incentives and disincentives which Sainsbury has from its stakeholders such as customers, suppliers and government to adopt green business policies.
Knowledge management and innovation
Knowledge management and innovation In recent years, there are a large number of academic articles, which have been focused on the topic of knowledge management and innovation. Both academic researchers and professions seem to agree that knowledge is the most valuable asset of a firm (Garcà a-Muià ±a et al., 2009). Moreover, Hsiangchu and Tsai-Hsin (2002) suggested that the corporations knowledge is the main competitive advantage for a corporation. Therefore, managing knowledge in organisations could be considered as a key factor for the success in todays business world. There are four major elements in the knowledge process which includes creating knowledge, integrating knowledge, sharing knowledge and codifying knowledge (Newell et al. 2009). A study by Teece et al. (1997 cited Leiponen 2006) proposed that the creation of knowledge can have the important effects on performance of a corporation. While other researchers mentioned that creating knowledge is not great enough and comprehensive knowledge sharing and int egration of an organisation are displayed its success (Okhuysen and Eisenhardt, 2002). The goal of this paper is to review the existing literature on knowledge management and apply these theories in combination with some examples of other organisations to analyse main strategic knowledge purpose of an organisation by examining one specific case study of a biopharmaceutical company Panther Biotech The development of a radical new therapeutic for an acute inflammatory disease. It could be said that the case study provides a good example of managing knowledge and innovation in a knowledge intensive firm. Moreover, this paper will also provide an in-depth analysis of how Panther Biotech makes an effort to introduce good practices in knowledge sharing and knowledge integration in order to improve its new drug development process. Definition Knowledge According to Davenport and Prusak (1998) the definition of knowledge is described as Knowledge is a fluid mix of framed experience, values, contextual information, expert insight and grounded intuition that provides an environment and framework for evaluating and incorporating new experiences and information originates. There are a number of definitions of knowledge but this definition could be one of the most referenced definitions in the literature of this field. Moreover, different forms of knowledge such as tacit, explicit and implicit at the individual, social and organisational levels need to be considered in order to expose its potential contribution to the performance of the firm (Nonaka and Takeuchi 1995, Spender 1996). Knowledge management In today business, it could be said that most of firms show their effort to apply knowledge management in order to improve business performances or to promote innovation process. According to McIrnerney (2002), knowledge management is defined as an effort to increase useful knowledge within the firm by promoting communication, offering opportunities to learn, and promoting the sharing and transfer of appropriate knowledge. Knowledge management can be defined as the set of activities that enable the creation, storage, distribution, and application of knowledge in organizations (Chow et al. 2005). Different definitions of knowledge and its management shows the diversity of the knowledge management processes ranging from knowledge creation, sharing, integration, codification, transfer, search, storage, use and so on. Knowledge Intensive firms A Knowledge intensive firm has been defined by Alvensson (2004) as an organisation which sell knowledge-based products or the use of knowledge to the market. It can be said that the core activities of this firm based on the knowledge of a large number of employees. Innovation Verloop (2004 cited Khiji et al., 2006) describes innovation as a new idea or concept created by RD activities and successful innovation requires changes in organizational processes and transformation of an idea into a commercially useable product. Other scholar defines innovation as a process: the development and implementation of new ideas by people who over time engage in transactions with others in an institutional context (Van de Ven, 1986). Literature review of Knowledge management and Innovation The emerging of the concept of knowledge-based societies, our societies have been shifting gradually to become knowledge societies (Hsiangchu and Tsai-Hsin 2002). Emerging countries like China and India are shifting their manufacturing-based economies to knowledge-based economies, and these two countries could be the main thread to the US and Western economies. For example, China and India are the two biggest markets for IT outsourcing. An industrial-based economy transforms to the information age or knowledge-based era and products of knowledge and knowledge works are becoming main sources for firms and nations to create profits and competitive advantages (Newell et al. 2009). The major advantage of China when compare with other nations could be a plentiful supply of cheap knowledge workers. For these reasons, it could be suggested that managing knowledge and the management of knowledge workers play an important role in the success of the firms and the nations as well. During the last two decades, there has been a growing in the number of researchers which conduct their research in the field of knowledge and its management. Research on this field has been also received a successful history (Argote et al., 2003). These scholars also suggested that research on knowledge management spans many different areas such as economics, information systems and organisational behaviour and theory (Argote et al., 2003). The diversity of knowledge management research shows the great impact of this field in many disciplines thus biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry might not be stood out of this trend. Gans and Stern (2004 cited Khiji et al., 2006) suggested that biotechnology plays an important role in global industry and gradually rises with the encouragement of innovation to improve human heath and quality of life. Biotech firms may be unique among some reasons. Gans and Stern (2004 cited Khiji et al., 2006) also said that the development of a biotechnology company strongly depends on its science activities. It can be proposed that biotechnology companies are knowledge intensive firms. Nowadays, finding the answer for a question where and how knowledge is created and protected that is the challenge task for this industry and managing knowledge is also not as a basic task as before (Allarakhia and Walsh 2011). Pharmaceutical firms are more often driving partner relationships with biotech firms and research centres (Walsh et al., 2002 cited Allarakhia and Walsh 2011). Alliances between biotech companies, academic institutions and pharmaceutical companies may be the norm in this industry. It can be suggested that these alliances could help these firms get better access to fund and knowledge from their strategic partners and firms will respond to the new development and technology in faster and more flexible ways. According to Khiji et al., (2006), the average time for the whole biotech process from first investment for scientific discove ry to sell product in the market can take up to 15 years. Biotech companies often try to attract capital and partnerships in the early stages of theirs development process and with numerous attempts to find the right company partners for the next steps which can include manufacturing, product design and marketing (Khiji et al., 2006). Unfortunately, most of them fail to deal with these tasks; Gassman et al. (2004 cited Khiji et al., 2006) showed a report of these decisions with a 90% failure rate among biotech companies. This can be suggested that biotechnology is a long-term investment with high risk and firms must highly consider the role of time-sensitive decision. Additionally, despite many people believe that biotech industry has showed immense potential for growth, not many firms can share in the success. Case study 4.1 Background Panther is a biopharmaceutical company this means it develops medical products using biotechnology. Developing therapeutic technologies to improve patients heath in order to gain outstanding benefits for shareholders is the main task of Panther. It is a publicly listed company with net cash and liquid resource of $400 million, and it also creates nearly 300 jobs on the West coast of the US. Its employees are experts in the early stage of the new drug development process. All RD activities of Panther, except later stage of drug development are funded by itself. The purpose of this financial strategy is to ensure the operation of firm runs smoothly until it shows the successful of development drug in clinical trials. The funding for any later stage of drug development processes is carefully decided on a case-by-case basis. Until now Panther has taken only four development processes into clinical trials by itself. 4.2 Discussion
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Rhyme And Rythm in Blakes A Divine Image Essay -- Blake Divine Image
Rhyme And Rythm in Blake's A Divine Image In "A Divine Image", Blake uses several techniques and literary devices, to transmit his thoughts about social injustice, cruelty and human nature, Rhyme and rhythm are two of the main features in this poem this poem is the rhythm affect the whole mood, tone and meaning of the poem. The poet has chosen different methods to give the poem specific sounds that affect the pace and structure of the rhythm. The structure of the first stanza helps us understand the relationships between the four aspects of human nature presented, cruelty, jealousy, terror and secrecy. The first and third lines start with the main word, while in the second and fourth ones the words come preceded by the word "And". This makes the reader connect cruelty with terror and jealousy with secrecy automatically. We can notice that the stress of the lines in this first stanza falls onto the main word, giving an emphasizing effect. Unlike many other Blake poems, such as "The Tyger" or "The Lamb" we cannot find rhyming couplets in this stanza, but the rhyming and stressing effect is enough for the reader to tie the ideas together. This effect is strengthened by the repetition of the word "human" in every line and the repetition of the "y" ending sounds in lines one, two and four. The structure of the second stanza differs from the structure of the first one. We notice that each of the lines provide an "answer" in a "symmetrical" way to each one in the first s...
Monday, August 19, 2019
Comparing Grimms The Brave Little Tailor and Aschenputtel :: Childrens Literature Essays
Comparing Grimms' The Brave Little Tailor and Aschenputtel In Germany, fairy tales were a part of day-to-day life and "the Germans have repeatedly used fairy tales to explain the world to themselves" (Zipes 75). In fact, Kinder-und Hausmà ¤rchen was indeed in nearly every household in Germany. These fairy tales written by the Grimm Brothers are known for being "German fairy tales." So what makes these tales so Germanic and others tales not? How do Grimms' "German tales" compare to others? Through evaluating two works by the Grimms, The Brave Little Tailor and Aschenputtel, we will answer these questions. The characteristics that the Grimm fairy tales possess do seem to be quite Germanic. The German people are usually very stubborn, more violent than not, and very sarcastic. In The Brave Little Tailor, the cat carries the characteristics of a typical German. He has gone and collected partridges for the King and returned with gold for his master. He then tells his master that this gold will not make them content, that they will need more to be happy. How stubborn of the cat to be so greedy in nature. This tale begins with the death of the miller and ends with the death of the king. Although not giving gruesome details of the death, this continues to have a feeling of violence. The last trait is that of sarcasm. The cat is trying to fend for his life against being made into a pair gloves while the narrators, the Grimms, make fun of a cat being able to talk and walk like a human. This seems to be a serious part of the story, however, the Brothers make it light hearted by contri buting sarcastic humor. In Aschenputtel, there is not one character that possesses all the Germanic traits. The stepmother demonstrates being stubborn when she continuously finds chores for Cinderella to do. First she puts only one bowl of lentils in the ashes and the next time she uses two bowls. When Cinderella achieves both tasks with time remaining. The sarcasm is very light in this tale but is shown through the repetition of the pecking of the birds. It is also shown when the pigeons sing songs that rhyme. Aschenputtel is a very violent tale. It begins, like The Brave Little Tailor, with the death of Cinderella's mother.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
The Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Toolkit Essay -- Ecolo
Sustainability has become a buzzword in lives of many Americans. The challenge with creating programs that promote and educate on the topic sustainability is that there does not appear to be a consistent definition for the term ‘sustainable’. In the Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Toolkit, the authors suggest that â€Å"sustainable development is generally thought to have three components: environment, society, and economy. The well-being of these three areas is intertwined, not separate†(McKeown, 2002, p. 8). Furthermore, McKeown contends that sustainability should be considered â€Å"to be a paradigm for thinking about a future in which environmental, societal, and economic considerations are balanced in the pursuit of development and improved quality of life†(2002, p. 8). The ESD Toolkit outlines the four basic priorities of ESD, which include: improving basic education, reorienting existing education, public understanding and awareness as well as training (McKeown, 2002, p. 13). At the heart of ESD programs is the â€Å"inherent idea of implementing programs that are locally relevant and culturally appropriate†(McKeown, 2002, p. 13). The toolkit itself is structured to provide an introduction into the theoretical concepts about sustainability, implementing the four priorities of ESD and practical skills that can be applied locally to address global issues. As a health educator, what would be particularly useful are the group activities found in the toolkit designed to explain the concepts of sustainability. The activities are essentially a roadmap for introducing the overarching principles of ESD and activities to develop a program plan. The assignment was how to customize the toolkit to make it specific for teaching su... ...and Eastern Europe (REC). (February 2000). â€Å"Introduction: What is a Local Environmental Action Program?†In: Guide to Implementing Local Environmental Action Programs. LEAP – Local Environmental Action Programs in Central and Eastern Europe. Retrieved from: Facing the future. (2012). Retrieved from: Fleming, M et al. (2009). Ecological Sustainability: What Role for Public Health Education? International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 6, 2028-2040. McKeown, Rosalyn. (July 2002). Education from sustainable development toolkit. Version 2. Retrieved from: U.S. Partnership for Education for Sustainable Development. (2012). Retrieved from:
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Communication Theories Paper Essay
Communication theories are important to learn and understand. Learning these theories helps us apply the theory to our own life. It helps our critical thinking skills as well as benefits one to understand the value of research that has been accomplished in this field. Understanding communication theories can help us make sense of our daily life experiences. There are three Communication theories that I have studied that have touched on my personal and professional life. These theories are Communication Privacy Management, Social Penetration Theory, and Organizational Culture Theory. One theory that reinforces the importance of communication is the privacy management theory. This theory has applied to my personal and professional life in many ways. There are three examples on how this has affected my daily life. It has affected me in my social networking, at my job, and when using my personal mobile device. In the communication and privacy management theory it explains that disclosure in relationships requires managing private and public boundaries (West, R. , & Turner, L. H. 2010). This theory tells us that people use this to manage the relationship between screening and revealing their private information (West, R. , & Turner, L. H. 2010). This theory has had an impact with my social networking. I use the popular networking cite called Facebook. On Facebook I have to be really careful on what information I reveal on my profile. I don’t want just anyone knowing something that could hurt me. On Facebook I have learned that if you are not careful with the pictures or information you reveal about yourself it could hurt your job, your reputation, as well as relationships. I have eliminated this from happening to me by using the privacy management theory. I have chosen to set up certain privacy settings on what people can and cannot see on my profile. Protecting myself makes me feel more secure of what others can see or know about me. I am a pretty private person so there is not much to my Facebook. Having public and private boundaries makes me enjoy using this social networking site. I have used this theory by only accepting close friends that I know very well on my Facebook. I also chose who can see my pictures and who can’t. There are many different privacy settings that protect ones confidentiality. The second example of how this theory applies to my life is at my job. I work in a medical office. We have to be real careful of what information we give out about our patients. We have HIPPA that protects our patient’s private information. One of my main duties at my job is answering the phones. Each phone call I take I have to be extra careful of what information I reveal to the caller. If I was to give out information to someone that should not be receiving the information, I could get terminated or worse even go to jail. It is crucial for me to follow this theory in my profession. In my profession I am also careful about what I tell my coworkers about my personal life. As a professional it is not always good to tell your personal information to coworkers. You never know if they could use any of your private information against you. This is why I modify the information I give out to my coworkers. The third example of how I use this theory in my daily life is when I use my personal mobile device. I use my cell phone every day. This theory applies to me when using my cell phone in many ways. Text messaging is something that my family and friends do throughout the day. This is a fast and convenient way to communicate with one another. In text messaging one has to be careful of what they reveal to another because it can be used against them. Once you text someone something it is always there. They can save it and share it with others. It may be something that you do not want anyone else to see. I have to think about that before I send a text to the other person. Out of all three of my examples using this theory in my daily life, I would say that my communication was effective in my first example in using Facebook. My private information is secure now because of the privacy setting offered to me on the site. This is effective for me because it protects me against anything that can be used against me in my profession or even relationships. Taking that step helps me feel comfortable to have control over what others can or cannot see. Taking these steps has made me feel more secure on the information and communication I have with others. This effective communication that I do reveal shows to my friends what type of information I want to be revealed to them. In my second example I talk about giving out too much information to your coworkers. I have learned from the past of what is appropriate to discuss with others at work. If I can continue to strive to do this, than my communication will be more effective. In the future I might communicate differently in using my mobile device. I have had friends get in lots of trouble by saying too much through text messaging. Someone ended up using things the other person said through text against them. In knowing this, I have learned to communicate differently when I use my text messaging. I screen what I say so that I don’t send something to someone else that I will regret. The Social Penetration Theory explains why as relationships develop, communication moves from less intimate levels to more intimate, more personal levelsI can apply this theory to my professional as well as personal life. Three examples that I can give how this has been practical in my daily life are through my relationships, work, and my primary care giver. In a particular relationship I was in, we started off as good friends. I did not reveal my most private personal information to him in the beginning. I waited until time went on. When we were in a committed relationship, I eventually little by little shared with him more information about myself. This theory allows one to be more honest with one another. In some cases it helps one be more careful in the relationship because you learn what the others sensitivities are. In my workplace overtime I have been aware of who to share certain information with and who I should not. At work I try to speak of only work and stay very professional. There is one particular coworker that I know I can trust. I do share a little bit more with this person. This is someone that I have learned overtime I can confide in. Lastly my primary doctor is someone that at first I felt awkward talking to or asking questions to. Overtime we have formed a personal relationship. I am now comfortable with talking to her about my health. I also don’t feel strange asking her questions that can sometimes be uncomfortable around just anyone. In my first example I feel the communication was effective overtime by building on a strong, trusting relationship. It made me more comfortable to share more about myself with him. In my second example I could be more effective by even with my close coworker to try and not talk too much about work if we go out to lunch. On my last example I could communicate differently with my provider by writing down my questions that I have for her. This would also help if I felt like I was going to forget something that I needed to ask her. There are always ways we can improve on this theory. These are just some examples on how I use this theory in my daily life. Organizational Culture Theory explains meanings for routine organizational events, thereby reducing the amount of cognitive processing and energy members need to expend throughout the day (West, R. , & Turner, L. H. 2010). There are three examples I can think of that can apply to my personal as well as professional life with this theory. They are through my work, through my church, and though school. An example of not having this was my last supervisor. She hardly was ever in the office. We never had monthly meetings like we do now with our current supervisor. We never expanded like she wanted because of lack of this theory. We now have monthly meetings with our new supervisor as well as have rules and regulations we have to follow. We have a certain dress code we have to abide by each day. We also come together on certain holidays and have a tradition where everyone one brings their favorite food dish. Having all of these routine organizational events has helped us expand as a more successful organization. My second example of how this theory has applied to my personal and professional life is through my church. We have certain customs and symbols that we use at church that we use on each Sunday. We have a routine service. For example when we first arrive, we start singing then have announcements, followed by the sermon. At the end we all sing again, and pray. This is something that our congregation is used to each Sunday. We also, have a certain time our service starts and ends each Sunday. The third way this theory applies in my life is through school. At University of Phoenix we have certain rules and regulations we have to follow. For example, we have attendance policies we have to abide by. We also have certain dates that our assignments are due. If we do not follow this, there will be consequences. If we didn’t have organizational structure, we as students would not know what to do in order to be a successful student. There are certain questions I can ask myself to take a look deeper in my examples of this theory. Through my example of school this communication is effective to me because we have pretty much the same rules and standards to go by in each class. Having this structure makes each student understand how to become a successful student in their current class. In my example of church I feel like there is always ways to be more effective. The church could send out bulletins before each Sunday. This would help update the congregation on what the next message will be about. In my example of work to have better communication in the future, my old supervisor could have done this by having monthly meetings. Having monthly meetings addresses questions and concerns that other employees have for the office manager. This way she can better the organization. In conclusion I can see how important communication theories are to my personal and professional life. Now knowing these theories I will be more aware of how much these are a part of my daily life. References West, R. , & Turner, L. H. (2010). Introducing Communication Theory: Analysis and Application (4th ed. ) Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill Retrieved from https://ecampus. phoenix. edu/content/eBookLibrary2/content/eReader. aspx? assetMetaId=299dcc53-f1c8-4924-a9b0-b8ff6d645a5f&assetDataId=0cdf2509-a90a-4f76-a84b-7cb7098cc897&assetpdfdataid=076561d1-57c7-472c-9712-6f5644b9ebd7
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