Friday, May 31, 2019
AIDS :: Free AIDS Essays
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome(acquired immune deficiency syndrome) is caused by the HumanImmunodeficiency Virus (HIV). Thevirus was discovered in France in1983 and in the united States in1984. In the United States, it wasinitially identified in 1981. In1986, a second virus, now calledHIV-2, was also discovered inAfrica.(Bookshelves) Femaleprostitutes in Africa probably penetrate it very quickly. AIDS becamea huge crisis of major proportionsin parts of Africa. It is my ownstrongly held opinion, and that ofmost medical and enquiry societyworld wide, that the AIDS epidemicis a serious problem. It has becomethe worst plague this species hasever known. Vastly greater sumsshould be spent on clear-cut fortreatments and vaccines. The UnitedStates government needs to do moreintensive tests and research tohelp curb this virus instead ofwaiting for opposite countries to doso.AIDS is transmitted in one of threeways From intimate inner contactwithout protection, from the mixingof a per sons blood with infectedblood, and from an infectedpregnant woman to her fetus.Infection can occur from bloodtransfusions of infected blood, orsharing unclean needles. (Needlesalready used, in this case, by anHIV unconditional person and notsterilized.) The HIV-2 virus alsocauses AIDS.AIDS was first seen as a diseaselimited gay males in the UnitedStates. This was a conduce that gaymales in this culture before AIDShad an average of 200 to 400 new turn onual contacts per year. Thisfigure was much greater than thenew familiar encounters amongheterosexual (straight) men orwomen. (Strack,5) In addition, itturned out that rectal sex was aparticularly effective way totransmit the disease. Rectal sex isa common practice among gay males.For these reasons, the diseasespread in the gay male populationof the United States more quicklythan in other populations. Itbecame to be thought of as a gaydisease. As the AIDS epidemicbegan to affect increasingly largefractions of those two populations(g ay males and IV medicine abusers),many of the rest of the Americansociety looked on smugly, for bothpopulations tended to be despisedby the mainstream of societyhere. It is extremely important forscientists to find a be cured _or_ healed for AIDS.It is important because mostlyeveryone in the world has sex. Thesafest option regarding AIDS andsex is total abstinence from allsexual contact. For those whoprefer to indulge in sexualcontact, this is often far toogreat a sacrifice.The development of a safe andeffective vaccine to prevent HIVinfection is among the highestpriorities for the AIDS researcheffort. Yet, vaccine researchhistorically has received lessfunding and attention than otherareas of AIDS research. Althoughthis may have been justifiable inthe past, the continued spread ofthe HIV epidemic and recentadvances in our knowledge dictate areassessment of priorities and a
Thursday, May 30, 2019
The Lord Of The Rings :: essays research papers
The Lord Of The RingsMy favorite character in this book would have to be Legolas. He was the best elf with a bow and arrow, and his skill with a blade was unmatched. A prince of the Elven Kingdom of Mirkwood, he has keen eyesight and sharp ears, a characteristic of his race. Though the fellowship that lot forth from Rivendell has dwindled to just three, still the friendship that binds these three holds strong. Legolas, Aragorn, and Gimli hold to each other through hardships and peril, in spite of their differences.As we consider the Lord of the Rings, we indispensability to think of the characters who make up what was called the fellowship. Nine were the number that made up this group, but they were non all what we would call men. Four were called Hobbits, little people that qualification also to some be called leprechauns. These were folks that lived in open meadows under the roots of trees or perhaps dug their homes out of the sides of banks alongside the roads. Their homes w ere not caves, but were elaborate dwellings that could rival the homes of many of the people who we meet today. The one thing we could truly say about the Hobbits is the fact that they loved life and celebrated it to the fullest. champion example of this is the birthday celebration of Bilbo Baggins. Even though it was just a birthday party, there was fireworks, dancing, and enough grog to make a Hobbits head spin. thither was even a cake that rivaled the size of the largest Hobbit. One other peculiar item I would like to insert at this time was the fact that they wore no shoes. To me it is no big deal to be barefoot, but later on in the story it could have been a problem, but as they were al expressions this way it posed no problems The second group in this fellowship was the group called men. Aragorn and Borimir were the two that made up this group. Aragorn at first was presented as a ranger. Rangers were those, and they did not have to be men, who protected the world. They were t hose who preferred to spend their lives alone, wandering the earth. It was only later on that we find out that he was the son of a king, a king who had disgraced himself years before, and showed himself to be a loyal friend and protector of the one who bore the ring.
Chemistry: Acid-base Titration Essay -- essays research papers
Chemistry Acid-Base TitrationPurposeThe objective of this experiment were a) to canvas the concept ofsimple acid-base reactions b) to review the stoichiometric calculationsinvolved in chemical reactions c) to review the basic lab procedure of atitration and introduce the student to the concept of a primary received and theprocess of standardization d) to review the calculations involving chemicalsolutions e) to help the student improve his/her lab technique.TheoryTitration was used to study acid-base neutralization reactionquantitatively. In acid-base titration experiment, a solution of accurately KHPconcentration was added gradually to another solution of NaOH concentrationuntil the chemical reaction between the two solutions were completed. Theequivalence point was the point at which the acid was completely reacted with orneutralized by the base. The point was signaled by a changing of color of anindicator that had been added to the acid solution. Indicator was substance thathad clearly different colors in acidic and basic media. Phenolphthalein was acommon indicator which was colorless in acidic and neutral solutions, butreddish ping was result in basic solutions. Strong acid (contained H+ ion) andstrong base ( contained OH ) were 100% ionized in water and they were allstrong electrolytes. affairPart A. Investigating solid NaOH for use as a possible primary standard First o...
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
The Dramatic Significance of Act four Scene One of William Shakespeare
The Dramatic Significance of Act four Scene One of William Shakespeargons Much Ado About naught Act 4 in the romantic comedy Much ado about nothing is of great dramatic significance to the whole play, as it is in Scene 1 where Shakespeare brings out the different sides of the characters to illustrate the complexities of love and relationships. Act 4 Scene 1 is clustered with different incidents and in this essay, I will go by means of each event and describe its importance to the play as a whole. I will do this by showing how (with the use of language) Shakespeare expresses the feelings of his characters and uses theatrical give actions to emphasize their emotions. The Scene begins with Claudios accusation of Hero, who so far, throughout the play has been seen as an honest and honourable woman. However Claudio accuses Hero that she is not what he thought of her But you are more intemperate in your blood, Than Venus or those pampered animals that rage in savage sensuality. This is shocking and Shakespeare prepares its audience for a scene which represents a turning refer for his characters lives through these remarkable personality changes, as Claudio has never acted like that towards Hero earlier in the play. However Claudias is a gullible and innocent character. A agent for this previously in the play, Claudio is mislead by wear down John. Don John tells him and swears that Don Pedro has enticed Hero, not for Claudia except himself I heard him swear his affection... Borachio who had heard Don Pedro whilst he was smoking in the musty rooms... also backs Don Pedro So did I, too, and he swore he would marry her tonigh... ... how they are both capable of love but were afraid of expressing their emotions. Since this play is a romantic comedy, Shakespeare is demonstrating how there are ups and downs in relationships and Act 1 Scene 4 is the dramatic scene where Don Johns eyepatch is successful and t he lovers companionship has been broken. However, Shakespeare uses Beatrice and Benedick characters as a contrast to Claudio and Hero in the scene to make the audience optimistic about personal relationships. Their airfoil admission to the love they share shows how they were hiding behind a mask of aloofness and wit before. In conclusion, this scene is extremely significant to the play as a whole as it is a turning point for the characters and Shakespeare adopts vivid use of language and imagery to emphasize the comedy behind romantic relationships.
Definition of Leadership :: Leadership Traits
In its simplest terms, leading is the process of influencing the behavior of another person while fully respecting the freedom of that person (Encarta). Two aspects of this definition be important. First, a significant part of effective leadership is the close connection amid the leader and the follower, which often determines the success of the leaders mission. Unfortunately, this leader-follower relationship cannot be created according to some simple formula. Without inspiration, involvement, and encouragement from both participants, the relationship can not be effective. Leaders, in particular, must give an extra effort to reach out to followers in order to initiate and develop this alliance that is so critical to the exploit of goals. The leaders face special challenges as they try to communicate and interact with their followers and potential followers to understand and know what they think and what they do. Developing their leadership style in response to diversity, and e thics will give them an edge as they build relationships with their subordinators. Secondly, leaders who begin to work force, coercion, and manipulation must posterior use more force, coercion, and manipulation precisely because their ability to influence - truly lead - is diminished. In my company I have never seen our lead to use any force to associates for achieving goals, because hed like to be a true leader for a long time. I believe that there are times in the life of a team or organization when the formula leader appropriately exercises the authority of his or her position or treat with organizational issues. Leaders should know that creativity and innovation are the life blood of their organization. New ideas can lead to programs that are already going on or planned in the organization .So, the mission of every leader should be to search continually for ideas and programs that are superior to the organization is currently pull to. In a word, its called progress.Leaders r espect the dignity and worth of each follower. There are two behaviors which are keys to this. First, the director of our company has done everything viable to reduce status differentials in team, which had been based on socioeconomic factors and job titles. Secondly, he has made clear by his behavior that he valued and prize all followers, especially those who were less powerful, less healthy, less educated, younger, older, poorer, less skillful in communication, and different in race, language, religion, gender or sexual orientation from the majority.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Competition :: essays research papers
Two best friends are torn apart. A man meticulously plots r nonethelessge on the person who got the job he was dying for. A nation is full of rage and fear because another country beat them in the race to walk on the moon. Sadly, all of these situations were caused by one thing, challenger. In Alfie Kohns essay, Competition Is Destructive, he describes competition as having a toxic effect on our relationships(11). Although competition has many positive effects in this world, when talking specifically about relationships, whether it be between best friends, two strangers, or even entire nations, it fuels negative feelings and attitudes that transform people into monsters.Close relationships very much have their ups and downs. When one spends enough time with a person it is inevitable that they will have an argument. Best friends, for example, share everything with each other. They laugh in concert, cry together and trust one another completely. Yet throw a boy that they are both in terested in into the picture and they are lying and backstabbing their means into his arms. Or perhaps they are both dying to play Juliet. Suddenly they view each other as enemies who will stop at nothing for the part. One might spread rumors about the other or sabotage her audition. Even something as innocent as grades can turn into a knockdown, drag-out, compete to the finish. They resort to cheating, or anything that will give them a leg up from the other. These crazy situations are just a few of the many examples that fork out how competition can create feelings of resentment, bitterness and even hatred between people who at one point were inseparable. Competition between good friends is not the unless instance in which negative feelings can occur. Surprisingly, the exact same feelings of resentment and hostility can happen between two perfect strangers. With no effectual reason, children and adults alike can work up an enormous grudge against a person that they have never spoken to, or possibly never even seen. Take for instance a boy on a high school football team. Off the field he is a respectable bookman who is always considerate of others. Yet the second he steps on that field he transforms into a monster who is out to get the other team, to show them whos boss. He has never met these people before and has no reason to feel such anger towards them other than the fact that they are standing in the way of his team winning the game.
Competition :: essays research papers
Two best friends are torn apart. A man meticulously plots revenge on the person who got the ruminate he was dying for. A nation is full of rage and fear because another country beat them in the race to walk on the moon. Sadly, completely of these situations were caused by one thing, competition. In Alfie Kohns essay, Competition Is Destructive, he describes competition as having a toxic effect on our relationships(11). Although competition has many positive effects in this world, when talking specifically ab come forth relationships, whether it be amidst best friends, ii strangers, or even entire nations, it fuels negative feelings and attitudes that translate people into monsters.Close relationships often have their ups and downs. When one spends enough time with a person it is inevitable that they bequeath have an argument. Best friends, for example, share everything with severally other. They laugh together, cry together and trust one another completely. Yet throw a boy th at they are both interested in into the moving-picture show and they are lying and backstabbing their way into his arms. Or perhaps they are both dying to play Juliet. Suddenly they view each other as enemies who will stop at nothing for the part. One might spread rumors about the other or sabotage her audition. Even something as innocent as grades quite a little turn into a knockdown, drag-out, fight to the finish. They resort to cheating, or anything that will give them a leg up from the other. These crazy situations are just a a few(prenominal) of the many examples that show how competition can create feelings of resentment, bitterness and even hatred between people who at one point were inseparable. Competition between good friends is not the only instance in which negative feelings can occur. Surprisingly, the exact same feelings of resentment and hostility can happen between two perfect strangers. With no valid reason, children and adults alike can work up an enormous grudg e against a person that they have never spoken to, or possibly never even seen. Take for instance a boy on a high school football team. Off the field he is a respectable student who is always considerate of others. Yet the second he steps on that field he transforms into a monster who is out to get the other team, to show them whos boss. He has never met these people before and has no reason to feel such anger towards them other than the incident that they are standing in the way of his team winning the game.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Drug and Crime Prevention Essay
The purpose of the Final Project is for you to demonstrate your understanding of nuisance prevention programs and the role crime prevention plays in the overall woeful justice system. You may select a crime prevention program that appeales law enforcement, the courts, or corrections or it may be a oecumenical program that addresses all three. The program may address the adult justice system, juvenile justice systems, or both. For the purposes of this assignment assume, you are preparing a proposal to a city, county, or state governmental body to recommend the implementation of a crime prevention program within their jurisdiction. You need to demonstrate the value of the crime prevention program and its force in reducing crime thus reducing the overall costs to the jurisdiction or building value that improves the effectiveness of crime prevention to the community justifying the additional expenditures.Your proposal will include1. A summary of the jurisdiction (i.e., city, county, or state) and the portion of the criminal justice organization your proposal is designed to address.2. An analysis of the current trends from three comparable cities in population size, utilizing the SARA Model and the Crime Analysis Triangle. (Note Crime Analysis for Problem Solvers in 60 Small Steps , Steps 7 and 8). You will compare the data from three comparable jurisdictions and compare it to national data.3. A determination of the book crime prevention strategy for the jurisdiction based on this analysis.4. A review of academic literature and studies on the various crime prevention programs to address the needs of the community. How does the crime prevention program address social justice issuesTo download this material Click this link https// is no one to bonny up after you and cook healthy meals at college. Some indulgences are okay, but still maintain a nutritious diet, get proper sleep, and proceeds care of yourself and your possessions. Take car e of yourself well, study appropriately, attend all your classes and follow a regular schedule. You can get ill from being too disquieted or not eating healthy enough.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Health industry’s research Essay
Chou et al publication on wellness coverage and the wellness industrys research and data analytic thinking from current residential area discipline has it that about fifty four percent of get together state citizen population had employers sponsors wellness damages in 2006 with five percent (5%) having non-group insurance and almost sixteen percent (16%) of the total population are currently uninsured, several report shows that these set of people i. . the uninsured people receive slight protective help, most of which are diagnosed at more complicated disease stages and tends to be given less beneficial all in allot thus having high death rate rates (Chou, 2009).The lack of insurance has unpleasant effect on the uninsured populace, regardless, the uninsured faces high out of pocket spending than their insured counterparts. eferencing the report of representation of Labor Statics that generally employment will increase about 10% between 2006 and 2016 therefore employmen t opportunity for home administer supporters personnel will refer about 51%, automatically opportunities for physical therapist subordinates are expected to increase, more so, job opportunities for registered nurses will increase by approximately 24% though this statement look promising only when what is not clear is, to what degree are these employment in wellness complaint associated to insurance coverage (p. 282). prove of research analysis carried out these experts indicates that differences in uninsurance rate exist in the health explosive charge labor force the disparities diverges extensively with relevance to the health handle industry along with former(a) industries and employees category, for display case employee working in ambulatory unit and residential care are liable to be uncovered so health care personnel in nursing home and residential situate earn less, this factor can be associated to higher rate in uninsurance.However, most low salary earner cannot meet the expenses of first-class health insurance even when coverage is presented their employer (p. 2285). Chou et al in their final analysis statement affirm differences in uninsurance exist in the United States health care labor force and about 1 out 8 in the healthcare workforce require insurance coverage. Implementing policies distinctively meant to ensure adequate insurance for health care worker will not only aid the workforce but will promote of the health entire citizen (p. 287).Conversely, dassie and Das made it clear in their publication health Care in the United States Why is Price So Sensitive? that the soaring health care rate has an unpleasant effect on productivity causing a negative impact in production in all industries at large. They added that the inability of consumer to be able to afford better health care was imputable to declining wages. As a result of this the United States comparative advantage becomes a nonissue (p. 462).Relatively wages increases situation forces the consumer and health care workforce with low income to wear a greater portion of their income on health care, obtainable literature could not explain why the rate of health care in the United Sates is increasing and why studyity of the populace are not in the insurance ne twainrk. It is not possible to explain the survey of price insensitiveness to health care supply by examining the health care sector only consequently it must look into the interrelationship between health care and non- health care sector on the United States economy.The authors uses partial symmetricalness model in their studies to explain the lethargic development of health care amid price inelasticity but the model cannot explain why health care supply is in elastic initially. Further disturbing issue relating to increasing health care represent is the high cost of comparative advantage of United States industries through labour productivity of the U. S. research conducts by other professional men tioned in Das and Das publication indicated that health related issue result in lost of economic productivity (p. 463).Further econometric study by the authors show that states with higher per capital health care cost have lower labour productivity in all U. S production industries either health or non health (p. 466). In order to put an end to this effect the authors indicated that partial equilibrium models will not enough rather the use of general equilibrium model should be employed. Conclusively, they derive evidence that health care rate is raising sharply in the U. S making the United States a major spender on health care, it was derived that increasing health care cost provides a negative externality by reducing labour productivity.The investigation provides clarification of the general equilibrium model of the health care and non-health care sector where higher health care rate reduce labour productivity. On the other hand, (Thompson and Cutler 2010), in the Benefits Quart erly, published a report on the health care consumerism movement. The publication was centered on the birth of health care consumerism movement which started as a result of the make to take care of the factors that contributed to the increase in health care cost and the backlash to managed care.According to the authors, the factors include lack of consumer cognisance of the cost of health care service, the effect of health care on profits and wages, and the need to engage consumers more actively in health care decisions (p. 24). Additionally, the gaps which they identified included the fact that consumers do not have the required knowledge and education and therefore are disparate participants in the provider-patient partnership (p. 26).They too stated that the regular need of customers to seek expert guidance from professionals when in need of health care information make the customers feel under do when trying to determine the value of the required health work. Furthermore, t hey opined that most consumers would prefer feeling more in charge of the choices that are offered to them after which they identified the need for incentives in order to get the attention of both consumers and providers as one of the gaps in health care consumerism today.The researchers then moved forward to highlight any(prenominal) keys that are vital in sustaining the health care consumerism strategy after which they highlighted the role of the community in ensuring that good health is collectively masterd. In doing this, they forceful on the importance of the employers incentives, wellness programs and other activities that could boost their employees health. The article was concluded by the researchers stating that there should be a communal get by all the stakeholders in the health care system to better shape and simplifies the consumerism movement.In the same publication as the previously mentioned researchers (Benefits Quarterly), Domaszewicz, Havlin, and Connolly prese nted an article on health care consumerism as well, but this time, considered incentives, behavior change, and uncertainties. This article was directed at providing some lessons that will serve as a guide for employers who are presently thinking of implementing a consumerist approach to improve employee health and control the cost trend (p. 29), on the necessary courses of action.The researchers asserted to the fact that most organizations would strive to contain costs in all ramifications especially in health care benefits so as to curb the after effects of last years global economic meltdown. In order to curtail the effects of this on the employee, Domaszewicz et al. suggested that the employees should employ lower-cost options such as consumer-directed health plans (CDHPs) which are high-deductible plans that contain employee-controlled spending account.The employee-controlled account consists of a health savings account (HSA) or health reimbursement arrangement (HRA). The resea rchers however claimed that CDHPs are just the beginning and should therefore be followed with a robust incentive- and value- ground designs for health management (p. 30). The researchers further highlighted the issues involved in the debate between changing behaviors versus changing outcomes after which they stated the several ways through which the employee can achieve the target of both taking action and achieving positive results.In addition, the researchers averred that incentives could take many forms and therefore recommended the right incentive mix after which they cited a eccentric person example. The researchers did not fail to mention the uncertainty that is clear in health care reforms and the measures that employers are taking against it. In summary, the researchers posited that the new strategies carry their own atom of risk and as a result, they pointed out a few general lessons that can guide the cause of action. Comparison and Contrast of the FindingsChou et al i n their publication investigated the rates of uninsurance amidst employees in the United States health care workforce via the health care industry, its sub category, and workforce. They used the 2004 to 2006 National Health data survey in assessing the rate of health insurance coverage by employing the use of multivariate logistic regression analysis to estimate the probability of uninsured workers in the health industry subtype (p. 2282). On the other hand, Monica Das and Sandwip K.Das examined the insensitivity of price with regards to health care in the United States as a kernel of increase health care rate, its unpleasant effect and negative impact productivity in all production industries, they formulated a two sector model of the United States economy i. e. the non-health sector and the health sector employed the use of general equilibrium model and econometric model based on interstate production function for the estimation in providing explanation with a two sector general equilibrium model where higher health cost reduces labor productivities in both health as well as non-health sector (p. 72).Both publications were centered on the cost effects of Health Care in the United States. The difference in their manner of approach however, lays in the fact that while Das and Das concentrated on the insensitivity of the price of the supply of Health Care services, Chou et al. focused on the rates of uninsurance. However, Michael Thompson and Charles M. Cutler in their analysis examined the health care consumerism movement taking trample forward, considering the rise in health care cost and lack of consumer awareness of the cost of health care services.The publication reviews the movement in health care consumerism and further identifies the gaps within recent health care consumerism more so, the authors scrutinized the lack of consumer awareness of health care service cost, the effect of health care on wages, the need to engage consumers more actively in hea lth care decisions, what sustainable health care consumerism framework should entail and what role on the community play in the movement of consumerism.From a similar perspective, Domaszewicz, Havlin and Connolly, examined Health Care Consumerism in a different context in their publication, the article focused on incentives, behavior change, and uncertainties. Presented in the article, are the methods of approach for employers thinking of implementing a consumerist approach to improve employee health and control the cost trend (p. 9), the authors however recommended that employees should utilize lower-cost options for instance the CDHPs that control employee-controlled spending account, the account which consists of Health Savings Account or the Health Reimbursement Arrangement and not failing to point out the uncertainty that is evident in health care reforms and the measures that employers are taking against it.The main difference between their manners of approaching the topic is that Thompson and Cutler discussed the birth of the consumerism movement, the gaps present and some stiff keys that will enable the development of a sustainable health care consumerism network, Domaszewicz et al. based their publication on the provision of guidelines for helping employers on implementing a consumerist approach that will be of benefit to their employees work health.SynthesisJuxtaposing the findings from the contributions of these articles, it will be observed that the ideas behind what the authors of the four publications centered on the need for the improvement of the health care system as a whole. From the insurance aspect of the health care system, to the general pricing system of health care services, and the health care consumerism movements. The four publications all raised various concerns on the need for better health care for the teeming populace which includes the health care professionals who make the services available and the consumers to whom the healt h care services are rendered.It should be agreed that increase in health care costs and the effect of health care costs on profits and wages, have an adverse effect in the supply of health care in the United States and unfavorable impact on labor force productivity creating a negative production externality in all industries. The results of the findings presented by the authors have shown that there are evident lapses in some aspects of the present Health Care system and there is a pressing need therefore, to right the wrongs found and presented by these authors.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
A Fine Balance: Characters
4 Characters Dina, Ishvar, Om, Maneck. Ishvar is Oms nephew. Dina is widowed. Maneck college student. Dina Shroff, who was raised by her strict brother after her fore male parent died she meets Rustom Dalal. The couple fall in love and marry, but on their third wedding anniversary Rustom is killed in a bicycle accident, leaving Dina alone. Rustoms auntie teaches Dina to sew her eyesight begins to fail, so she is forced to find another way to make money Her friend Zenobia introduces her to Mrs Gupta, who offers her some tailoring piece work She hires Ishvar Darji and his nephew Omprakash, primarily from a small village, to do the work.Ishvars father wanted a better life for his sons and so sent them to a neighbouring town to learn to be tailors They became the apprentices of Muslim tailor Ashraf Ishvar was seventeen, racial hatred of Muslims reached boiling point and any homes or bring step forwards belonging to Muslims were burnt to the ground Ishvar and his brother Narayan save d Ashrafs shop by claiming it belonged to them, leaving Ashraf forever in their debt. Narayan returned to the village and set up a successful tailor business for lower caste people He married and had a son.His business was very successful and it gave him enough money to build a proper house All was going well until Narayan observe that the elections were being fixed by Thakur Dharamsi, a powerful land proprietor Narayan confronted Thakur, who had him tortured Not satisfied with just killing Narayan, Thakur decided to punish his altogether family. Narayans wife, daughters and parents were tied up and burnt alive in their home. Omprakesh and Ishvar were the only ones to escape they continued working in their tailor shop, but were forced out of business when a ready-made clothing shop opened in the town.Maneck. He grew up in a mountain village, where his father was the proud owner of the local village store and inventor of a popular drink, Kohlah Cola Maneck was sent to college and b ecame good friends with the student president, Avinash Avinash led an uprising against the conditions and became involved in political relation When the Emergency was declared, Avinash had to go into hiding, leaving Maneck alone His mother then arranged for him to move in with Dina Dalal The four are quite happy for almost a year, but then the Emergency starts to impact their lives.The tailors shack is demolished in a government beautification program, forcing them to live on the streets After deuce months they bribe their way out and persuade Dina to let them move in with her. Ishvar decides it is time for Om to find a wife, so they return to Ashrafs town There they recover into Thakur, who recognises the pair Ashraf is beaten to death and Ishvar and Om are given compulsory vasectomies Thakur visits them as they are recovering from the operation and arranges on a medical pretext to start out Oms testicles removed.Ishvars legs become infected and have to be amputated. Maneck finis hes his college course and returns home His fathers business is failing due to cheap imports of commercial soda, and Maneck decides to leave, fetching a job in the Middle East. Dina finds herself all alone. A Beggarmaster who had been protecting her from her landlords bailiffs is murdered, leaving her vulnerable she reluctantly returns to live with her brother. Eight years later, Maneck returns home for his fathers funeral.Maneck reads some old newspapers and discovers that Avinash was found dead by the side of a railway track and Avinashs three teenage sisters hanged themselves because their parents could not yield their wedding dowries. Maneck decides to visit Dina She explains that Ishvar lost his legs and that the tailors are now beggars Maneck leaves Dinas house, pretending not to recognize the tailors in the street, and heads for the railway station where he steps in front of a train.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
The global environment
The protection of the sublunar environment has become one of the cardinal aims of the international comm unit of measurementy in recent decennaries. The major environmental issues such as clime renewing, ozone depletion, deforestation acid rain and loss of biodiversity are planetary in range. 1 humor alteration is a planetary long-run job ( up to several centuries ) that involves complex interactions with environmental, economic, political, institutional, societal and technological procedures. The international community has taken legal stairss to fighting clime alteration. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate alternate the Kyoto Protocol and other clime related instruments are all legal instruments which indicate clime alteration extenuation. These legal instruments have created a differentiation in footings of duties and duties between the developed and the development states through the rule of uncouth but severalize duties. 2 The rule of common but diff erentiated duty has developed from the application of equity in general international jurisprudence for the particular demands of exploitation states which must be taken into history in the development, application and reading of regulations of international environmental jurisprudence. 3 The Framework Convention on Climate Change ( Climate Convention ) ,1 signed at the 1992 United Nations Earth Acme in Rio de Janeiro, is the first international legal instrument to turn to clime alteration and is arguably the most comprehensive international effort to turn to inauspicious alterations to the planetary environment.Principle 7 4 States shall collaborate in a spirit of planetary partnership to conserve, protect and reconstruct the wellness and unity of the Earth s ecosystem. In position of the different parts to planetary environmental debasement, States have common but differentiated duties. The developed states acknowledge the duty that they bear in the international chase of su stainable development in position of the force per unit areas their societies place on the planetary environment and of the engineerings and fiscal resources they command.he overruling end of the Convention is the stabilisation of nursery gas concentrations in the ambiance at a degree that would forestall unsafe anthropogenetic intervention ith the clime system. 5 The rule of common but differentiated duties, one of the cardinal constructs of sustainable development, has two-fold foundation the force per unit areas developed states topographic point on the planetary environment and the engineerings and fiscal resources they command. Though the developed states are loath to acknowledge the first foundation, the develop states have a strong purchase to bring on the former to accept differentiated intervention in their favour. 7 The consideration of this rule takes two signifiers one is dual criterions in environmental protection criterions every bit good as their execution in favour of developing states and the other is assistance by developed states for sustainable development of developing states.The impression of common but differentiated duty is comprised of two distinguishable all the same mutualist constituents ( 1 ) common duty and ( 2 ) differentiated duty. The first represents the shared duties of two or more States when the inquiry of protection of a particularized environmental resource is raised. 8 The 2nd relates to distinguish environmental criterions which are articulated around legion factors such as particular demands and fortunes, future economic development of states, and the historic part of a state or group of states to the creative activity of an environmental job. oblige 10 Kyoto protocol 9 All Parties, taking into handbill their common but differentiated duties and their specific national and regional development precedences, aims and fortunes, without presenting any new committednesss for Parties non included in Annex I, but reaffirming bing committednesss under Article 4, paragraph 1, of the Convention, and go oning to progress the execution of these committednesss in order to accomplish sustainable development, taking into history Article 4, paragraphs 3, 5 and 7, of the Convention, shallFormulate, where relevant and to the extent possible, efficient national and, where appropriate, regional programmes to better the quality of local emanation factors, activity informations and/or theoretical accounts which reflect the socio-economic conditions of each Party for the readying and periodic modify of national stock lists of anthropogenetic emanations by beginnings and remotions by sinks of all nursery gases non controlled by the Montreal Protocol, utilizing comparable methodological analysiss to be agreed upon by the Conference of the Parties, and logical with the guidelines for the readying of national communications adopted by the Conference of the Parties F CDBR is illustration of emerging p erceptual experiences of equity.Duncan French ( 2000 ) . Developing States and International Environmental law The Importance of Differentiated Responsibilities.International & A Comparative Law Quarterly,49, pp 35-60 doi10.1017/S0020589300063958Mustapher, Ntale, Rethinking the Application of the Principle of Common but Differentiated Responsibilities in the International Climate profound Framework ( December 6, 2008 ) . Available at SSRN hypertext transfer protocol // Agarwal, The Principle Of Common But Differentiated Responsibility In Environmental LawRio firmness of purpose on Environment and Development 1992 United Nations ( UN )United Nations Conference on Environment and Development Framework Convention on Climate Change, May 9, 1992, art. 2, 31 I.L.M. at 854.Duncan French ( 2000 ) . Developing States and International Environmental Law The Importance of Differentiated Responsibilities.International & A Comparative Law Quarterly,49, pp 35- 60 doi10.1017/S0020589300063958International Environmental Agreements Politicss, Law and Economics, Springer Netherlands, majority 2, Number 2 / June, 2002, pg. 151-170 www.springerlink.comP. Sands, Principles of International Environmental Law Models, Standards and Implementation, 1st edn. ( Manchester Manchester University Press, 1996 ) at 217.KYOTO PROTOCOL TO THE UNITED NATIONS FRAMEWORK CONVENTION ON CLIMATE CHANGE
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
The Crucible-Theme- 5-Paragraph
Even the Good can be Twisted Be who you are and say what you get hold, because those who mind dont social function and those who matter dont mind. ( Dr. Seuss) Even though I walk through the v aloneey of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. (Psalm 234) God has disposed you one face, and you make yourself another. (William Shakespeare) These quotes, found passim many different time periods of history, all say the same Be who you are and dont allow anything change that. These are great words to live by, but, in time of weakness, does one stay true?Can even the right be wriggle? This is a theme that is represented throughout The Crucible many times. Characters such as Elizabeth Proctor, John Proctor, and sacred Hale had good intentions or morals in the beginning but were soon marred by protecting a lover, temptation, or the questioning of all that one stood on. To begin, Elizabeth Proctor was twisted in a way that was out of love for her husband and his keeping safe. In the beginning, Elizabeth was a character that was kn aver for never lying. She was a woman of Salem that could do no wrong and loved her husband abundantly.Soon, though, her incorruption was challenged when she was brought to accost to prove her husbands innocence. Instead of telling the truth, she lied about the affair that John had antecedently confessed about. Thinking what was best, detrimental to herself or not, Elizabeth broke the one thing that made her consistent. She chose hurting her own conscience and fate over seeing her husband be punished for a crime he actually committed. As a result of this, Elizabeths whole character was altered, changing from a purely good woman to a liar.Simultaneously, John Proctors character was distorted in many ways. Even before the play began, John had broken his own moral code by having an affair with Abigail Williams. This went against, not just the rules of the church, but his own personal beliefs and everything he lived by. This caused John to have internal conflict throughout the entire play, making him guilt-ridden. This contention was only to him until he openly stated it in court to prove his wifes innocence from witchcraft. It was a see point though, because Elizabeth did the same thing for him, damning him to be ried for taking part in black magic. Only in the end did John Proctor feel any forgiveness towards himself. In his mind, he deserved the punishment he was going to endure and wasnt going condemn anyone else in the process. All in all, John was a noble man but, warped by temptation, was made a man of slander. Furthermore, Reverend Hale was pushed to change also. Hale came into Salem a stranger, but knew how to fix the problem the town endured. He never questioned that God had a plan and always thought that something was either good or bad, with no gray area in between.This thinking is challenged when Elizabeth, a pure person, is accused and then later when John confesses. He knows that these people a re honest and leaves the court for a period of time. In the end, Hale is a desperate man, and even though knowing there is no witchcraft present, he urges John to countenance that he is not the one that should be punished. He has to question all the rules he has lived by his whole life and pursue something he knows is incorrect. In essence, Reverend Hale is pushed to his limits and is turned into a man that will be permanently in suspicion of any standards he ever thought were true.In the end, as a reader, one is challenged to think, if put in that situation, if he or she would falter from what is right. If one would, knowing that is against every precedent and moral one owns, be brought away from all that is good and change? This play shows this theme various times throughout that the good, like Elizabeth, John, and Hale, would be changed when brought up against acting out of love, lust, and doing what is right. The Crucible is continuously intercommunicate the reader, Can even t he good be twisted?
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Machiavellian Monkeys, James Shreeve, Discover, June 1991 Essay
The sneaky skills of our primate cousins call down that we may oweour great intelligence to an inherited need to deceive.Machiavellian Monkeys, James Shreeve, Discover, June 1991.Fraud. Deception. Infidelity. Theft. When these words ar spoken, or read, the first thought is of valet de chambre traits. Not once would someone think of animals as macrocosm capable of such actions, scarcely people forget that humans are animals, and that the human animal evolved from a creature that had common ancestry with the great apes. Is it strike then that these seemingly human-centered traits are found in order Primates? James Shreeve discusses the findings of hundreds of primatologists, which support the notion of Machiavellian intelligence in primates. He canvas Machiavellian Intelligence in baboons, chimps, lemurs and lorises, and concluded that social primates exhibit this intelligence and those that live in small groups or in solitude do not.First, lets examine the term Machiavellian. The dictionary definition is characterized by subtle or unscrupulous cunning, deception, expediency, or dishonesty. By suggesting Machiavellian intelligence, Shreeve implies that these types of behaviour are not simply conditioned responses to stimuli, but conscious thought. This might not be blatantly obvious as important to physical anthropology, but it does suggest a number of important vagarys as to the development of man.Lesser primates, such as lemurs and lorises, do not exhibit any type of deceptive traits, but when more advanced primates are examined, it can be seen that as the size of the brain increases, there are increasingly more complicated tactic used to deceive others of their own species. It is interesting to note that humans have brains roughly three times larger thanwould be expected, and also exhibit the well-nigh complex Machiavellian behaviours.An important observation that Shreeve points out is that primates such as the orang-utan, who lead solitary lives and have no need for social skills, do not exhibit any signs of Machiavellian traits. This observation, together with the observation of brain size and primate order, suggests that Machiavellian behaviour may not be a result of intelligence, but was, actually, an important factor in the development of it. For example, a creature that is able to consciously deceive others in order to get provender or breed has a distinct advantage over those who do not.When considered with the need for large social groups, this ability of deception and trickery becomes even more important which can help explain why humans have evolved with their huge brains. Humans could not have become as successful as they have without incredible social skills, including those skills considered Machiavellian. Shreeve notes that this is also consistent with chimpanzees, who have a great advantage with these abilities. The advantage is a result of their social structure (large groups that forever and a day vary) me aning that there would be no advantage if chimpanzees lived solitary lives.If there is any doubt that Machiavellian intelligence gives an individual a greater scene of surviving and reproducing, the case of concealment, as observed with stump-tailed macaques and hamadryas baboons leaves no doubt. By concealing their relationship with, arousal by, or physical nearness to the potential mate from the prevailing male(s), an individual finds breeding is possible without this intelligence, it would be far less likely, if not impossible.Although Machiavellian behaviour is somewhat controversial in terms of it being human nature, it does seem to indicate intelligence not so different than that found in the great apes. Perhaps this is why people tend to resist the idea that humans are fundamentally Machiavellian in nature it is behaviour that seems too animalistic. It does seem, though, that the exactopposite could be true Machiavellian behaviour is humanistic behaviour evident in the anim als we call primates. No matter how we look at it, the fact remains that the observation of this type of behaviour in primates is significant to physical anthropology.
Critical Lens Essay Essay
It is not what an seed says, but what he or she whispers that is important, by Logan Pearsall Smith. This summons means that the author delivers the makeup through underlie themes. A lot of the times he may not come step to the fore and say what they are trying to say. Most of the time you have to carry between the lines. This statement is professedly in literature as well as in life. devil literary works that march this quote to be true are The Tragedy of Macbeth, the play, by William Shakespeare and The gentle Of The Flies, the novel by William Golding.The Tragedy of Macbeth, the play, by William Shakespeare proves this quote to be true by use opusy different methods. William Shakespeare uses themes to whisper that too much drive for something can help to destroy a person. Also taking part in evil can destroy a person. The Main character, Macbeth, allows his drive, or tragic flaw, to control his life to the point of death. One Example is when Macbeth gets killed because he killed so many early(a) people, including Macduffs family, and Macduff wanted revenge. In it self the title of the play The Tragedy of Macbeth, is a way of the author whispering to the audience that Macbeth will die by the end of the play. Throughout the play Shakespeare tells the readers that it was his drive and fight in evil that lead the Macbeths death, you just have to read between the lines to see this.The cooperate literary work that helps to prove this quote to be true is The Lord Of The Flies, the novel by William Golding. This novel also uses theme to prove this quote to be true. Golding whispers that the theme of The Lord Of The Flies is that mans evil action dictates the extent that commonwealth can flourish. The protagonist, Ralph, is elected as the leader of the early days group of boys on the island. Throughout the novel Ralph is constantly challenged by the antagonist, bull. Golding uses the conch as a symbol of democracy. Because of Jack Simon and Piggy bo th died. Simon and Piggy symbolized intellect and reason. Throughout The Lord Of The Flies Golding whispers that everybody has a dark side, which is what prevents democracy from flourishing. It is not what an author says, but what he or she whispers that isimportant, by Logan Pearsall Smith. This quote means that the author delivers the theme through underlie themes. A lot of the times he may not come out and say what they are trying to say. Most of the time you have to read between the lines. This statement is true in literature as well as in life. Two literary works that prove this quote to be true are The Tragedy of Macbeth, the play, by William Shakespeare and The Lord Of The Flies, the novel by William Golding. some(prenominal) of these novels used many different methods of showing how the author whispers the theme to the audience. In both situations the readers were able to variant it out.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Changes in Prisons in Twentieth Century in Britain Essay
In 20th degree Celsius a lot of important changes was made in Britain prison organization. A lot of crucial moves in this matter were made, which made changes to the empowerment, and create the reliable outline in prisons. A lot of spread abroads and changes plans were made in this crucial for the matter period.The beginning for this period was made in 1895 with Gladstone report, which was highly critical of the current penal policy. It criticised brisk regimes for crushing self respect and starving all clean instinct. The report argued that rehabilitation should coexist with deterrence and that rehabilitation should be given priority. Victorians focused upon repression and punishment. They used inflexible and punitory methods of control. Gladstone felt these should be replaced with more scientific methods of treatment.In addition, prison commissioners for the first beat in 1898, defined the purpose of prison as the humanisation of the individual1. Sir Evelyn Ruggles-Brise insisted that each man pronounceed of nuisance is to be regarded as an individual, as a separate entity of morality, who by the application of influences, of discipline, labour, education, moral and religious, backed up on discharge by a well organised system of patronage is capable of reinstatement in civic life2.Weiner (1990) stated, It is now recognised that primitive measures alone are not corrective, and effective reformation of criminals can only be attained by making our prisons true schools and moral hospitals. Forsythe (1991) argues that new projects ofttimes fell short of the claims made for them. He says that in particular, the local and convict prisons clung tenaciously to the concepts of measured punishment, moral culpability, limited deterrence and uniformly administered discipline. It is a fact that the process of reform was often dull and not al all easy to perceive.From 1900 onwards a number of radical changes were made to the regular prison regime 1) Unproduct ive labour was officially abandoned and replaced by prison industries and work considered utilitarian, 2) The separate system was gradually eroded, allowing prisoners to work in association, 3) Education was increased and improved, 4) Internal discipline was hold through a reward/punishment system related to the door of remission, 5) Specialists such(prenominal) as psychologists were appointed, 6) captive categorisation was extended, 7) The Borstal system was introduced for juveniles, 8) A commitment to reformation became enshrined in the Prison Rule that stipulated that the purpose of duress was to encourage prisoners to lead a good and useful life3, 9) During the 1930s the treadmill and arrows on convict uniforms were abolished.According to Garland (1985) the most radical reforms of this era took place outside of the prison system 1) The introduction of the probation service, 2) Alternatives to custody emerged, 3) Construction of specialist institutions4. Garland views these m ajor transformations as the beginnings of our current practice. Garland prefers to talk of developments in a whole realm of penality rather than prison reform5.Additionally, in 1908 Borstals6 were put on a statutory footing implemented by Herbert Gladstone. The name Borstal comes from the village in Kent where the first Borstal scheme got its first all-out trial. Borstals took English public schools as their model and their moveences were indeterminate. Criminals aged between 16 21 could be sent to Borstal for between one and three years. The prison Commission could release on licence at both time after six months (or three months for girls) and could also recall for misbehaviour. Borstal faltered after 1945 really because success place were measured by reconviction rates. 1982 the administration of Margaret Thatcher formally abolished the Borstal and replaced it with the Youth Custody Centre with determinate sentences of imprisonment.Paterson7 replaced military emblem traini ng with delegated authority and encouragement of personal responsibility. Staffs wore civilian clothing and were encouraged to get to know the lads personally considered revolutionary in the 1920s. The Borstal notion of training prisoners through personal relations, trust and responsibility gradually had an match on the prison system as a whole. Two borstal elements were transplanted into the adult system with long constant effects1. 1936 the first minimum-security (open) prison was established at New Hall, near Wakefield.2. The housemaster was renamed assistant governor.The put forward war developments where about the Easier bail, Probation, Time to pay fines, a reduction in time to be served for a partial payment of fines, Reformatories for juveniles, Curtailment of imprisonment for debt and, More facilities for the insane and for habitual drunkards.In 1928 the then ingleside Secretary had described Dartmoor convict prison as the cesspool of English humanity I meditate ther e must be some residuum which no training or help get out eer improve8. Furthermore in 1948 Paterson and his colleagues framed Criminal justice Act. This was a highly potent piece of legislation.Borstal had represented the opposite view and resurrected the possibility of reformatory prison. Borstals and Detention Centres began to lose favour uncomplete for deterrence or reform was the short sentence acceptable. This is one of the elements in the English prison-crowding crisis which became acute in the 1970s and 1980s and with which the country is still wrestling.Deterrence Youth prisons known as Detention Centres were think to subject boys (and half-heartedly, girls) who were thought to be on the verge of a custodial career to a die hard chance short, sharp, shock. Separate institutions for pre trial prisoners were planned however never created these would be custodial but non-penal institutions. Due to the war, there were no funds and little sympathy for unconvinced detain ees. McConville states that thick skins and short purses ever since have ensured that English pre trial prisoners were treated worse than they were for virtually all of Victorias overtop and much worse than their fellows who were convicted and sentenced. The 1960s and early 1970s are seen as the beginning of the crisis years with British prisons.At last we can refer to System of Concentration. Mountbatten referred to the obvious advantages of an island prison holding all prisoners who make up a threat. A new prison was to be built on the Isle of Wight. This was rejected and the dispersal system became the preferred way of housing inmates.Since early 1966 new measurements of security have been implemented in selected prisons. Between 1969 and 1979 the prison service went through a number of riots. 70s and 80s dogged with accusations of brutality and violence direct at prisoners from the prison staff. Serious disturbances and riots had occurred in maximum-security prisons, which ha d led to reprisals against prisoners. British riots occurred within the new dispersal system Parkhurst 1969, Albany 1971 & 1972, Gartree 1972, Hull 1976, and Gartree 1978.Hull riot will go down in history, as it was the prison staff who were ultimately tried and convicted. Special control units were introduced after the Gartree riot of 1972 for troublemakers over and above the existing segregation units. 1970s represent the years when reform and treatment had dwindled away and the whole prison system ran on the notion that nothing works. By 1978 both the courts and the prisons were in danger of serious collapse. industrial relations were poor with prison staff. May Committee 1979 reported as a response to the preliminary troubled decade. They explored the issues of what the aim of imprisonment was they agreed that the rhetoric of treatment and training had had its day. Finally, King and Morgan proposed the term humanist containment1. Minimum use of custody2. Minimum use of securit y3. Normalisation.The current organisation of the prison system is heavily influenced by past practice. This has shaped the system that we now have today. So, it is difficult to assess board of 20th ampere-second. Harsh and punitive experience of prison overrides any idea of progressive treatment. Biggest rises can be seen from 1974 onwards. It is a fact that this matter is very important and serious for the society and has to be developed tally to the needs of the society according to its progress at times.BIBLIOGRAPHY1. Goffman, E. (1961) Asylums, Essays on the Social Situation of Mental Patients and separate Inmates. Harmondsworth2. Jones, K. (1993) Asylums and After A Revised History of the Mental Health Services from the Early Eighteenth Century to the 1990s.3. Morris, N and Rothman, D.J (eds). (1995) The Oxford History of the Prison. Oxford University Press.4. Porter, R. (2002) Madness A Brief History. Oxford University Press.1 Weiner, 1990.2 Ruggles-Brise quoted in Garlan d 1985.3 Prison Rule 6 in 1949 but Prison Rule 1 since 1964.4 such as Borstal where principles of rehabilitation were initiated.5 the prison was decentred, shifted from its position as the central and predominant sanction to produce one institution among many in an extended grid of penal sanctions. Of course it continued to be of major importance, but it was now deployed in a different manner, for a narrower section of the criminal creation and often as a back up sanction for other institutions, rather than a place of first resort.6 The Borstal System.7 Alexander Paterson.8 Sir William Joynson-Hicks.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Electronic Health Record Essay
Computer technology continues to happen upon rapid advances in closelyness superintend facilities. Many wellnesscare facilities have used computer programs for administrative functions such as payroll and billing. Electronic wellness book of account (EHR) dusts have the potential to transform the health care dodge from a mostly paper-based industry to one that utilizes clinical and other pieces of information to assist providers in delivering higher quality of care to their patients. EHR (Electronic health disposition) is an information sharing system for both patients and doctors.Electronic Health Record or EMR is a computerized aesculapian record of a patient in a digital form. It provides the opportunity for healthcare organizations to improve quality of care and patient safety. The greatest ch onlyenge in the crude world of integrated healthcare delivery is to provide comprehensive, reliable, relevant, accessible, and timely patient information to each element of the healthcare team whether in primary or secondary care and whether a doctor, nurse, allied health professional, or patient/consume (Schloeffel et al.2). EHRs are a longitudinal electronic record of patient health information generated by one or to a greater extent encounters in any care delivery setting. take in this information are patient demographics, progress nones, problems, medications, vital signs, past medical history, immunizations, laboratory data, and radioscopy reports. Some of the basic benefits associated with EHRs include being able to easily access computerized records and the elimination of poor penmanship, which has historically plagued the handwritten medical chart.This technology can offer a more consistent method for uncivil communication among physicians, nurses, labs and other clinical staff without relying on handwritten notes stored in a single-location, electronic health records can help with the time it takes to treat someone. Researchers have examined t he benefits of EHRs by considering clinical, organizational, and societal outcomes. Clinical outcomes include improvements in the quality of care, a reduction in medical errors, and other improvements in patient-level measures that describe the appropriateness of care.organisational outcomes, on the other hand, have included such items as financial and operational performance, as well as satisfaction among patients and clinicians who use EHRs. Lastly, societal outcomes include being better able to conduct explore and achieving improved population health. Patient information can be accessed from multiple locations with password-protected security, and doctors orders can be queued in sequence to match the importance of the procedure to patient care.Electronic medical records contain a capacious array of information that can be analyzed and monitored in digital form much more readily than paper records. Health care facility officials review the records regularly for compliance with a ll regulations and medical protocols, to monitor trends in resource usage and patient care patterns and to look for ways to improve patient care throughout the facility. People should be able to get better quality of care delinquent to the amount of information on hand from every available and viable medical source. Give red-hot and more efficient diagnosis and treatments for patients.More convenient data trail paperwork can often go uncompleted but electronically stored is faster and easier therefore it gets done effectively. When medical audits take place all information is readily available making workflow and procedures faster and smoother. The overall benefits that the electronic medical records provides doctors and patients worldwide. The system can Reduce and/ or eliminate the use of paper it can also allows all practitioners to manipulate and update relevant patient data, reduces errors in transcription of paper records from one department to another and should upper ber th the delivery of patient services.EMR technology can make storing and sharing information easier and more efficient not to mention convenient, it should help lessen and/or avoid duplication of testing, prescribing medicines that in combination might be dangerous or seems not to help, and the ability for anyone on the medical team to understand the approaches taken to a condition. Despite the growing literature on benefits of various EHR functionalities, some opponents have identified potential disadvantages associated with this technology. Theseinclude financial issues, changes in workflow, temporary loss of productivity associated with EHR acceptance, privacy and security concerns, and several unintended consequences. pecuniary issues, including adoption and implementation appeals, ongoing attention costs, loss of revenue associated with temporary loss of productivity, and declines in revenue, grammatical case up a disincentive for hospitals and physicians to adopt and impl ement an EHR. EHR adoption and implementation costs include purchasing and induction hardware and software, converting paper charts to electronic ones, and training end-users.Training people to learn and use the new system and understand the capabilities of this technology. Making sure that the technology is integrated with widely used systems and computer software with ease. The maintenance cost of an EHR can also be costly. Hardware must be replaced and software must be upgraded on a regular basis. In addition, providers must have ongoing training and support for the end-users of an HER. there are some security matters, which include keeping the information safe from hackers. Privacy and confidentiality of records, such as who should and/or could have access to the important data.The risk of patient privacy violations, which is an increasing concern for patients cod to the increasing amount of health information exchanged electronically. To relieve some of these concerns, polic ymakers have taken measures to tick off safety and privacy of patient data. For example, recent legislation has imposed regulations specifically relating to the electronic exchange of health information that strengthen existing Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) privacy and security policies. In this paper we discussed several advantages and disadvantages associated with an EHR adoption.Many of the benefits accrue to patients and society overall. Providers and other users are also expected to face technological and logistical obstacles on their quest to achieve meaningful use of EHRs. Electronic Medical Record provides easy access and improves quality of care and patient safety. We have the advantages and disadvantages to both paper medical record and electronic medical record. Healthcare providers must first obtain information and carefully review the controlling and negative aspects of it. Through this technology today, EMR can transform healthcare deliv ery in the United States and worldwide. nationwide implementation of EHRs is a necessary, although not sufficient, part in transforming the US health care system for the better. EHR adoption must be considered one of many approaches that diversify our focus on quality improvement and cost reduction. Works Cited Menachemi, N. , & Collum, T. Benefits and drawbacks of electronic health record systems. Retrieved from http//www. ncbi. nlm. nih. gov/pmc/articles/PMC3270933/ Schloeffel, Peter, et al. Background and Overview of the Good Electronic Health Record. May 2001. Retrieved from http//www. gehr. org/Documents/BackgroundOverview_of_GEHR. htm
Saturday, May 18, 2019
A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words Essay
A picture is worth a potassium words, is a common saying that rings true. Which is why many newspapers decide to compliment their articles with visual elements such as photographs, drawings, or political cartoons. However, many people feel that some of the images newspapers decide to impress are in bad taste.Huge Hewitt, an Evangelical Christian, compared a political cartoon of Muhammad with a betray for a turban, to a drawing of Jesus with a crown of TNT atop his head at an abortion clinic. Because both cartoons are equally distressing and offensive, wether you are Muslim or Christian, I suspect that a newspaper in the United States would print either image.On the other hand, if I was the editor of a newspaper I would print both pictures. After the terrorist attacks of September 11th there was a huge backlash on the Muslim culture and its people in this country. The cartoon of Muhammad with a dud as a turban illustrates, literately, how ignorant and insensitive we are to Musl im doctrines. As editor, I would subjoin an article to the cartoon explaining how it is not created out of malice or hatred, but it is a form of satire. It was careworn to grab your attention and inspire you to ask questions intimately the Muslim world, what is currently happening there, and how are we, as a country, involved.As editor, I would treat the cartoon of Jesus with a crown of TNT the resembling way. The accompanying article would clearly state that the image in no way mocks the Christian belief system. The picture does, however, raise questions about how God, or Jesus, would view the bombing of an abortion clinic, wether the life of a foetus is more important than that of its mother, and so forth. As I have stated previously, the cartoons are satire, not unquestionable opinions or suggestions. The drawings are to be viewed as debate starters or to help you to create your own opinions about what is being portrayed.Furthermore, under the First Amendment of the Constit ution of the United States, freedom of the press is clearly stated. These pictures, however unkindly they maybe to some, the newspaper has its right to print them and the takeers have the right to view them.In conclusion, I do not feel that any form of imagery is too bold to be printed in a newspaper, least of all a political cartoon of Jesus with TNT as a crown. As long as the readers do not take the picture for face value and can read deeper into the topic being presented, then there is no problem. As for offending people, they can just subvert another newspaper if they dont like the pictures in mine.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Of Mice and Men- Candy character analysis Essay
Steinbeck presents glass as a vulnerable character. He does this by referencing him as an octogenarian man before citing his name, using pre-modification so that the reader instantly knows not only his physical state only when maybe that metaphorically he is a weak person. He is also shown to be desperate through issue the opening of chapter 2, where he tries to make friends with George and Lennie as soon as he meets them. He gossips about other people on the ranch and makes sure George wont tell Curley nothing.This quote alone indicates sweeten is lonely and just wants to have friends but deep down is afraid of the other men on the ranch, implying he doesnt have many friends on the ranch at all, therefore he needs to be welcoming and confident towards George and Lennie to gain their friendship but this quote gives away his fear of Curley finding out he was talking about him and throwing him off the ranch, leading the reader to believe the ranch is the only present candy can call home.This idea of Candy being completely alone and having no where else to go is reinforced when Steinbeck introduces Candys antediluvian tag, the use of pre-modification again this time with the word ancient helps to show that alike his owner this dog is old, the lexis ancient has the connotations of being so old it could be considered an artefact or piece of history, this concept could suggest that Candys dog is in fact a part of the history of the ranch that is why he is still there because even though his dog is old and useless he is still allowed on the ranch even with no purpose, just like Candy staying on the ranch with no hand, meaning he cannot do any proper jobs pull out settin out the wash basins.However when Steinbeck introduces the dog at first, Candy says my dog, this possessive lexis could suggest Candy is proud of his dog especially as he goes on to say he was a earnest sheepdog when he was younger, you could add this quote as a declarative, him protectin g but also bragging about his dog. A conflicting idea could be that Candy and dog are kindred that is why Candy likes to talk and brag about his dog, Steinbeck writes for both that they are old and ancient but both are disabled in that Candy has lost his hand and the dog is so old and decrepit it cannot hunt or feed itself. Both are looking for a companion that could take care of them, they have a codependent relationship.This idea could be considered a recurring theme as most say Lennie and Georges relationship is co-dependent, even though George wouldnt admit it due to his controlling personality. So the yard Candy brags about his dog is because he really wants to prove himself, and that he was in fact meritorious of being on the ranch. This point of Candy and his dog being similar supports my original idea, which was that using the descriptions of Candy and his dog we find that Candy is in fact just like an old animal, a reusable and valued member of any ranch as opposed to just something that takes up space, money and food.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Technology and Capitalism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Technology and capitalist economy - Essay ExampleThis advertisement peg for his sermon allowed Hochschild to strongly argue that American society is shortly being flooded by goods and services that promises bulk busy people of saving their precious conviction. Meanwhile, Sherry Turkle discourse on technology in Alone Together reinforced this take on capitalism immediately by explaining how tools and machines such as the Internet, personal computers, mobile phones and gadgets all became indispensable in unexampled authority of life. Capitalism and Efficiency The concept of efficiency has been put forward in Hochschilds culture of time (184). The argument is that in modern America, people atomic number 18 faced with the time dilemma. Most individuals have to symmetry personal/family life with work and cargoner and all things in between. Here, the experience of American mothers was used as an example. With the Quaker Oats ad, it was depicted how mothers find it extremely chal lenging to spend quality time with their children when their job and occupations be also vying for an equal degree of attention. Hochschild identified that breakfast cereal as suggested by its marketer emerged as the solution for the dilemma. Modern capitalism made this possible. The oat brand is delicious and healthy, solving several problems for children as it provides a quality mother-child experience at the breakfast table and solves the childs requirement for attention, love and well-being. The lusciously prepared oat meal, which any child will supposedly love is seen to qualify as sufficient for parents in order for them to let their children know they are loved and taken cared of. Finally, the oatmeal and the ease in its planning provided the mother an opportunity to lessen time spent at home so she could be at her work or at her appointment on time. Turkles discourse on technology however explained Hochschilds conception of time, efficiency and the permeation of goods and services that cater to the past two variables. She used technology and how it affected the lives of people today as the basis for her insights. The analogy is that technology has successfully ingratiated itself in the lives of people today because it addresses their main vulnerabilities. For exemplification, Turkle argued that people today are lonely and technology provides a convenient and better answer by providing an illusion of companionship without the demand for friendship (263). The pattern is clear people are becoming dependent on the goods and services that can meet their demands for time and efficiency. The consequence is that people are increasingly substituting them for what is real. Substitution In Hochschilds observation, people still value the conventional concepts of sympathetic relationship such as the family. Here, work and all other preoccupations are supposedly being undertaken in order for the family to survive and, do so comfortably. Ironically, this bri ngs them further to it because the culture of work relegated family as a perfect ideal, separate from what is real. To many people, wrote Hochschild, family is important morally and that they certainly cherish such ideal but we take overt link what we think with what we do, or we often say at work that we dont walk the talk at home (186). This perspective the encapsulation of family as a mere ideal - supposedly make people reconcile the dilemma of the competing meanings in modern capitalism and its impact on modern necessities to traditional concepts such as the family. With technology, Turkle, provided several examples to this emerging preference for illusion and the substitution of goods and services for what is real. She pointed out, for instance Some people are looking for robots to clean rugs and help with the laundry. Others hope for a mechanical bride. As sociable
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Thermal Storage Systems Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Thermal Storage Systems - Research Paper deterrent exampleA basic thermal fund system coolheadeds a storage medium then saves the stored cool medium to be reused at another time. (Washington State University) What is meant by defining thermal storage systems is solely that zipper is stored and then used at a later time. The storing of this strength allows the user to save. The nix that was rescue is not godforsakend and can be used when needed. Many traditional heating and cooling systems waste too much energy. That is why thermal storage systems are so convenient. What would normally be expend is saved and used for later. The main way that a thermal storage system can be used is by allowing energy to be stored and saved for later. A residential installation of thermal energy storage systems can help cool a house. A home can store energy in the thermal energy storage system at night when it is cool, and then distribute the stored energy during the day when it is most needed. This is a money saving way to cool a home. This same exercise will also apply to small commercial businesses. The system can be modified to scoff existing systems but the system will require an area to be used to store energy. This storage area can be located in a crawl space, basement or a large enough utility room. Using thermal energy storage systems for air conditioning is knotty in a way but easy to operate.
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
American Popular Culture Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
American hot Culture - Assignment ExampleThis is an area that requires a study by someone whose interest is on the modern culture ( universal culture and the pagan studies) either in America or the globe. This has significant set up to the world at large. Ashby has reviewed on this very dynamic popular culture as soundly as the cultural struggle. He provides a readable narrative that finds the appropriate balance between the sufficient history and the complexity of this culture (Ashby, 132). Popular culture has continually commoditized the radical ideas that exist all over the world and has changed tastes and expectations of people significantly. Popular culture usually condones fantasy, gossip and sex as well as antic by big fishes at higher places thus impacting the whole world by instilling these vices in the Americans and the world society at large. It is evident that gossip and sex scandals fuck off increased in the youthful past among the big names such(prenominal) as Pre fountnts, musicians etc. President who consider been involved in this include Bill Clinton, South African President Yacob Zuma etc. It is democratic and continually reverb erates with the always oppose history of the modern days. The popular culture is a critical component with the kind of the market thriftiness emerging and the wide values of the middle class. This also provides an opening for the fantasy, dreams and dissent as well as its commoditization. Ashby related the popular culture with the political conflicts which actually defined the American life as well as their identity. This actually started at warfare eras and this later lead to the emergence of mass media which brought about broad change to the whole world. These mass media included radio, television and also film. In the Cold War era there were some contradictory forces which defined America as free and with no class in the society later to intensify xenophobia and censorship which is seen as inclusionary v ersus exclusionary. Growth in music industry such as development and popularity of country music in the post war times brought the dark side of life as these songs mainly were on the loneliness, suffering and failed love as well as cheating. These vices have been condoned at the modern culture and they are on the increase and its fascinating history of values and cultural politics that reflects on family values as well as the terrorism that reminds about the cold war attacks. Extremists and evangelists argue that the best measures of ideological conflict are the conservative reactions which should be employed on the developments of the popular culture. It is believed that the American popular culture is giving a moral ruin throughout the mass media resources which has resulted to changed ethics of the media sources of the other part of the world (Ashby, 240). However the popular culture is contain inspirational and instructive messages and so promotes diversity as well as the vict ories by the people who practice on this inspirational information. at that place are more dreams that exist and researchers as well as the artists across the globe will have more significant change to the popular culture. Popular culture is a dream machine which acts as a flagship of democracy in culture. This is a gateway that gives a chance for trash to be eminent to the highest places of wealth and fame thereby having great impact to the generation and generation being raised and no confide of getting back to where we came from. This is the effect of the democratic culture that has developed. Currently in
Monday, May 13, 2019
Critical Review of Research Papers in Nursing Paper
Critical Review of compositions in Nursing - Research Paper ExampleThe column bravely uncovers the ravaging attitude which the modern day military possess. It speaks of the mechanical traits of the military, which argon deployed to solve tentative, unfathomable, & deepest of social issues. It speaks of in homoity & corruption on behalf of the governing bodies that deploy armed forces despite know that militarization is the remotest solution for any of those problems. Swift amicably draws a fine line denoting that militarization or forceful occupation of a territory is undoubtedly the gravest offence which can be committed against the human race in the contemporary global scenario. Interestingly it appears as if the author touches all the fundamental bases of this tan issue, but refrains himself from delving into the roots of those fatal problems. He speaks of religious liaisons, Chinese cross border aggression, indo-Pak eccentricity & almost everything bestowed deep down Mother Na ture, but strangely swifts away from giving any materialistic solution. He places accompaniments, figures & incidents to condemn a certain approach, but outrageously evades the question of a plausible solution. He says that the arbitrary exercise of agency is the centerpiece of any occupation. It is hard to imagine it otherwise, but peculiarly disowns himself from this glaring notion when the time arrives for a possible solution (Swift, 2005, p. 1). In another attempt the author has advocated that the Chinese occupation of Tibet is equally cruel to the US imperialist aggression. It may be cited that Tibet was a land of unprecedented feudal values even up until the 1950s. The ruling religious classes of Tibet had battered, bled, slaughtered, & victimized the whole population until the arrival of the Chinese red troops. It is a fact that the temples & palaces of the once invincible lamas were stacked with human bones, fleshes, & skulls as tokens of religious piousness. Buddhism wa s turned to devilism throughout the history of Tibet. The streets were make full with beggars, ailing citizens & there was not a single school which equaled in the land of the Himalayas. Even in the 1920s & 1930s the nation existed without a proper economic infrastructure. Barter system was practiced by the invincible ruling class to exploit the half dead inmates. The ruling elites bestowed themselves to the western powers, thus sidewalk the way for potential moral & military aid. Naturally, the Chinese aggression was severely criticized by the feudal rulers of Tibet. It was avowedly that china had long term goals than it seemed at the introduction. But it was also true that Chinese power modernised & humanized Tibet. Human rights came into existence (Maxwell, 1970, pp.50-73). Now how can the Chinese annexation of Tibet fall within the same writing style of the US attacking Iraq, Afghanistan, or Libya? It simply cannot. The United States of America wants the feudal & religious hegemonies to remain safe(p) at their respective pavilions. The reason is simple. The open liberalistic policy of the US backed corporate houses requires ignorance to exist & make further profits. Religion is the easiest weapon which helps to modernize a man from outside without altering his feudal beliefs. Swift speaks against religious fundamentalism. But this topic has been discussed a thousand times before. How can one hold to assemble a group of men with contradicting superstitious (read religious) beliefs & expect them to maintain rationality &
Sunday, May 12, 2019
Smoking cigarettes and the strenghts and weakness of the theory of Essay
sens butts and the strenghts and weakness of the theory of planned behaviour in explaining this behaviour - Essay ExampleThis is a costume and people become accustom to these kind of things real quickly.Among the addiction of things the addiction of cigarette smoking is very common and popular. A approximate number of adults smoking in United States is about 44.5 million. 23% of the mellowed school students are current smokers. The rate of psyches who mastermindt smoking is more in students than in adults. This is the study point of concern for the health organization to reduce this rate. Some people smoke to make their throw glamorous and effective. The person falling in these categories are most from the reel life persons or star personalities. Military also advertises smoking as glamorous part of life and society. This is a kind of absurd behavior of man that forces him to get addicted to such things in life that are harmful to him. He knows that these are harmful but e njoys the addiction.The irrational behavior is the abnormal behavior of person that is related to his addictions. They do not know how to act at some instance. When they are addicted to something they get unconscious in the absence of it. Who is responsible for this kind of action or behavior the person or the environment close to him. About the first cigarette every person thinks that he will not be addicted of it but soon when he is used to the smoking environment he starts it slowly and occasionally. The first cigarette offered to him is just the initialization of his irrational behavior. Smoking for the first time is due to the curiosity of the tinting that something is lacking in life and that must be filled by smoking. Smoking is also done to equalize his standard with others of his age. They think that smoking creates a glamorous and mature image. Even in the early submit of smoking majority hates the taste of cigarette but due to the irrational behavior of smoking it ma kes them feel satisfied of smoking. With first few cigarettes one thinks he would not get addicted to smoking since he is smoking only one or two in couple of days but then(prenominal) sitting in the environment it gets doubled and the person becomes addicted to it very soon. Even then he tries to quit smoking that becomes difficult for him. Then if someone offers you a cigarette you cannot stop yourself from smoking. This forces a person for irrational behavior of smoking and makes him addicted to the heinous act of smoking.Smokers have a basic employment of smoking at certain interval or at certain time like in the morning of after having dinner or such time. This makes him slave of cigarette and cannot quit at these times. In early stage of smoking person smokes in group but then individually unavoidably cigarette at certain interval. He becomes dependent on smoking or cigarette. At
Saturday, May 11, 2019
Critical Analysis of a Research Article-Driving Behavior of Licensed Essay
faultfinding Analysis of a Research Article-Driving Behavior of Licensed and Unlicensed Teeagers - Essay ExampleThe hypothesis in the article on driving behavior of licensed and unlicensed jejuners concerns the undesirable effects of teenage driving. It has been observed that teenagers atomic number 18 involved in a higher number of accidents as compared to other groups of people hint to a high death rate and serious injuries. The study determines the prevalence and the risks and associated factors for unlicensed set aboutrs in their teenage years. The major purpose of the study is for exploratory reasons. This kind of study is a form of social look into that is conducted by use of questionnaires and formulation of hypotheses. The current case of study is appropriate for this kind of research as it does not have to endorse its typicality.The students who took part in the research gave details about their race, driver procreation history, alcohol or substance use and their gra des in the previous month. The students also gave information on how very much they drove and for what purpose. The students also gave information on the most helpful person in teaching them how to drive and the drivers education. The give lessons location was also an important variable and it was classified into rural, town, suburban and profound city. Students were also expected to report on their driving behaviors and occurrences including number of accidents experienced, number of hours driven weekly, the use of seatbelts and the travel rate they used according to American Academy of Pediatrics (2010).A national representative school based survey was carried out to establish whether students in their teenage years practiced unlicensed driving, the associated behaviors, the risks they are exposed to and demographic factors. Unlicensed driving is driving when one has no official license or when one is not authorized to do so. American Academy of Pediatrics (20100 explains that the survey was conducted on any school attending students regardless of their
Friday, May 10, 2019
Community-Oriented Policing (COP) and Problem-Oriented Policing (POP) Assignment
Community-Oriented Policing (COP) and Problem-Oriented Policing ( go through) - Assignment ExampleThe condition stands for Scanning, Analysis, Response and Assessment.2. The most essential component necessary for implementing a COP program would be the consume for more community interaction between police officers and local citizens (Hunter & Barker 2011). In addition, there mustiness also be the desire by the community to help with strategic planning in a proactive atmosphere, recruit volunteers to help police as eyes and ears to the community, and the patrol range must be manageable by the police in order to make rounds at least a goodish number of times for a more effective police presence (Craven 2009).3. In the case of the refine programs, there has to be a very evident problem which requires strategic thinking and planning for the exercise of goals. This usually meaning there must be a goal for eliminating a specific abomination in a certain part of the community. Car t heft which might be on the rise, means that police patrols may need to set up stings for catching thieves and to also change their usual schedules by showing up at different times than when normally expected (SARA 2013).4. The most desirable outcomes for implementing all a COPS or POP program is to accomplish goals which make the community a better luff to zippy and work in (Hunter & Parker 2011). Whenever a community feels threatened by criminal activity, then the citizens live in fear and this means that people will sometimes clam up to the police, creating a respite between the two groups (Depsey & Forst 2013). It is essential for the police to get the citizens on the side of the police officers and to promote working(a) together on patrols and in community programs (Craven 2009 Hunter & Parker 2011).5. Some of the greatest challenges for implementing a COPS or POP program is that police department funds may have been cut, thus reducing hours allowed on the path for neighbo rhood patrols. Additionally, cuts in technology funding might mean that officers may lose the means for interacting
Thursday, May 9, 2019
The Path of the Law and its Influence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The way of the Law and its Influence - Essay ExampleIn the study of law, every decision made by any court should evaluate the merits and demerits of the decision held. This prevents any possible critique to the decision made by the court. In the merits and demerits of the decision, the moral part of the issue at hand should be brought to the light for the citizens to deem it fair.However, at that place have been a number of cases that have been controversial in a way that the decision held by the court finds all opposition with firm grounded facts that can lend the decision overturning. In such(prenominal) a case, the integrity and competence of the judge who advanced the decision being challenged by other law intellectuals. The just about controversial cases are those that touch on the public rights such as the voting rights. One of such decision is that which was made by the Supreme speak to in relation to the elections of Texas. In its decision, the Supreme woo allowed Texas to use the controversial voter-ID law. According to this law, the registered voters were supposed to prove their eligibility to cast votes by use of the Photo-ID law that is exposit as a terrible law in the state. This law had been declared unconstitutional by a district judge on the basis that it would prevent many thousands of voters from casting ballots. This law would mostly call for the African Americans and the Hispanic. The Supreme Courts order failed to address the merits of this law before allowing it to be enforced. Furthermore, the Court did not provide the reasoning behind the enforcement of this law.This law is a threat to the public confidence in elections because it discriminates against certain individual groups of citizens from exercising their constitutional right to vote. A law should not be anti-Semite(a) in its enactment.
Wednesday, May 8, 2019
Type of Diversity Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Type of Diversity Management - canvas ExampleThere pick up been numerous abuses and struggles that resulted directly from the interaction of people of different backgrounds in nations roughly the world. This led to different forms of wars and other civil uprisings around the globe. Notable amongst them is the American Civil Rights strive that abolished requisition and instituted equal rights in America. In Europe, the differences in ethnic groups and nationalities culminated in the Two World Wars and the redrawing of the borders of nations and peoples after the plump for World War. The next phase of diversity in Europe was the immigration of people from different separate of the world into Europe. These minorities became significant and the need to include and respect such persons became imperative over the years. Equal rights and code exist everywhere today but discrimination exists in most workplaces (Barak, 2010) p235). This means that although at that place atomic number 18 numerous effort to recognize the variant minorities around the globe, there are still a softwood that need to be done to ensure that the various social groups are recognized and respected punctually in organizations. In response to promoting diversity in the workplace and the world, many companies have instituted specific policies and programs to provoke recruitment inclusion, promotion and relation of employees who are different from privileged echelons of society (Barak, 2010 p235). This refers to the fact that most have made conscious efforts to respect the rights of minorities and less included persons through policies and programs that are designed to ensure that there is the inclusion of people of all backgrounds in work environments around Europe. According to Subeliani & Tsogas (2005), there are various policy-making and academic debates that affect and determine the growth of diversity management in Europe.
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