Thursday, December 26, 2019
The Boston Massacre John Adams and Captain Preston
John Adams believed that the rule of law should be paramount and that the British soldiers involved in the Boston Massacre deserved a fair trial. What Happened in 1770 On March 5, 1770, a small gathering of colonists in Boston were tormenting British soldiers. Unlike normal, the taunting on this day led to an escalation of hostilities. There was a sentry standing in front of the Custom House who talked back to the colonists. More colonists then arrived on the scene. In fact, the church bells began ringing which led to even more colonists arriving on the scene. Church bells were typically rung in cases of fire. Crispus Attucks Captain Preston and a detachment of seven or eight soldiers were surrounded by Boston citizens who were angry and taunting the men. Attempts to calm the gathered citizens were useless. At this point, something happened that caused a soldier to fire their musket into the crowd. Soldiers including Captain Prescott claimed the crowd had heavy clubs, sticks, and fireballs. Prescott said that the soldier who shot first was hit by a stick. Just like with any confusing public event, a number of disparate accounts were given about the actual chain of events. What is known is that after the first shot more followed. In the aftermath, several people were wounded and five were dead including an African-American named Crispus Attucks. The Trial John Adams led the defense team, assisted by Josiah Quincy. They faced off against the prosecutor, Samuel Quincy, Josiahs brother. They waited seven months to start the trial in order to let the furor die down. However, in the meantime, the Sons of Liberty had started a major propaganda effort against the British. The six-day trial, quite long for its time, was held in late October. Preston pleaded not guilty, and his defense team called witnesses to show who actually yelled the word Fire. This was central to proving whether Preston was guilty. The witnesses contradicted themselves and each other. The jury was sequestered and after deliberating, they acquitted Preston. They used the basis of reasonable doubt as there was no proof he actually did order his men to fire. The Verdict The verdicts effect was huge as the leaders of the rebellion used it as further proof of Great Britains tyranny. Paul Revere created his famous engraving of the event that he titled, The Bloody Massacre perpetrated in King Street. The Boston Massacre is often pointed to as an event that presaged the Revolutionary War. The event soon became a rallying cry for the Patriots. While John Adams actions made him unpopular with the Patriots in Boston for several months, he was able to overcome this stigma due to his stance that he defended the British through principle rather than sympathy for their cause.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Analysis of Before the Rain Essay - 650 Words
Analysis of Before the Rain Before the Rain, filmed on location in the Republic of Macedonia and in London is a trilogy that focuses on the conflict between Muslims and Orthodox Christians in the Balkans. The three chapters of the trilogy are Words, Faces and Pictures. Director Milcho Manchevski states; Before the Rain, refers to the feeling of heavy expectation, when the skies are pregnant with the possibility of an outburst, when people are silent, waiting for a tragedy of cleansing(1). The movie is a circle in itself, showing the reoccurring cycles of violence and hate. In the first chapter, Words, the audience is introduced to Kirkil, a Macedonian Monk who has taken a vow of†¦show more content†¦The construction of Manchevskis story is intended to demonstrate the futility of ancient hatreds. There are a few moments in the film in which hatred of others is greater than love of ones own. Imagine a culture where a man would ra ther kill his daughter than allow her to love a man from another culture, and one will have an idea of the depth of bitterness in this film, the insane lengths to which men can be driven by belief and prejudice ( Ebert 3). Mise-en-scene is a French term roughly translated as what is put into the Scene. Before the Rain, uses examples of mise-en-scene through out the movie. Each of the three chapters is opened with a plane flying across a blue sky. The purpose to incorporate the plane in each part is used by Manchevski to show a sense of escape. In the third chapter, the plane Aleksander is on lands in Macedonia. This symbolizes Aleksanders desire to be home, while the other citizens of Albania and Macedonia would rather escape by flying away. The deliberate use of the sky in each chapter of the movie is used by Manchevski to show the heavy expectation†¦ when the people are silent, waiting for a tragedy of cleansing(Manchevski 1). 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Supply and Demand in the Gasoline Market Essay Example For Students
Supply and Demand in the Gasoline Market Essay Supply and Demand in the Gasoline Market Essay The substance known, as gasoline is a mixture of lighter liquid hydrocarbons used chiefly as a fuel for internal-combustion engines. It is produced by the fractional distillation of petroleum; by condensation or adsorption from natural gas; by thermal or catalytic decomposition of petroleum or its fractions; by the hydrogenation of producer gas or coal; or by the polymerization of hydrocarbons of lower molecular weight. Gasoline produced by the direct distillation of crude petroleum is known as straight-run gasoline. This is the type of gasoline, which we use in our automobiles. It is this which makes gasoline a product that is indispensable and also makes it highly demandable from the driving public. Category: Business Paper Title: Supply and Demand in the Gasoline Market Text: Supply and Demand in the Gasoline Market The substance known, as gasoline is a mixture of lighter liquid hydrocarbons used chiefly as a fuel for internal-combustion engines. It is produced by the fractional distillation of petroleum; by condensation or adsorption from natural gas; by thermal or catalytic decomposition of petroleum or its fractions; by the hydrogenation of producer gas or coal; or by the polymerization of hydrocarbons of lower molecular weight. Gasoline produced by the direct distillation of crude petroleum is known as straight-run gasoline. This is the type of gasoline, which we use in our automobiles. It is this which makes gasoline a product that is indispensable and also makes it highly demandable from the driving public. Thus the price of gasoline can also have a direct affect on what types of cars people will buy. One of the problems with gasoline is that it is, for now, the main fuel for automobiles and because of that it has become a necessity for most of the many Americans who own cars and have no choice but to drive to get to work, as well as in many other parts of the world. It is this constant need for gasoline to get us around which makes the demand part of it very high. On the supply side is where OPEC comes in, because they are the main suppliers for the gasoline for the world at large. The Organization of Petroleum Producing Countries (OPEC) is a permanent, intergovernmental organization, created at the Baghdad Conference of September 10-14, 1960, by Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela. The five Founding Members were later joined by eight other Members: Qatar (1961); Indonesia (1962); Socialist Peoples Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (1962); United Arab Emirates (1967); Algeria (1969); Nigeria (1971); Ecuador (1973-1992) and Gabon (1975-1994). OPECs objective is to co-ordinate and unify petroleum policies among its Member Countries, in order to secure fair and stable prices for the petroleum producers; an efficient, economic and regular supply of petroleum to consuming nations; and a fair return on capital to those investing in the industry (OPEC Web site). OPECs decisions have a direct effect on the price we pay for gas, both here in America and around the world. If they decide that they want to raise the price of petroleum to $30 per barrel, then the price per gallon at the gas station will go up accordingly. Likewise, if OPEC decides to lower the price per barrel of gasoline, then OPECs decision would have a direct effect on the market price of the gas at the gas station. The supply-demand issues in the domestic gasoline market affect all different parts of the economy. For example, when the price for gas was extremely low about a year or so ago, people started to purchase more cars and many of the vehicles purchased were Sport Utility Vehicles (SUVs). These vehicles have larger engines and tend to consume much more gasoline than the smaller, more fuel-efficient cars. (I know this to be true, because during that time I purchased a Jeep Wrangler, which holds and uses more gas than the smaller car that I used to own.) Now the price per gallon is at least 60 cents higher then it was a year ago, which, if you do the numbers as to how much gas people use, makes it an incredible increase. Since the use of gasoline is an absolute necessity if you own a car, then you have no choice but to pay the higher price, since at this point in time alternative fueled vehicles arent that cost efficient. .u96b8e286c0515dbdbcc2fc28f056f89b , .u96b8e286c0515dbdbcc2fc28f056f89b .postImageUrl , .u96b8e286c0515dbdbcc2fc28f056f89b .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u96b8e286c0515dbdbcc2fc28f056f89b , .u96b8e286c0515dbdbcc2fc28f056f89b:hover , .u96b8e286c0515dbdbcc2fc28f056f89b:visited , .u96b8e286c0515dbdbcc2fc28f056f89b:active { border:0!important; } .u96b8e286c0515dbdbcc2fc28f056f89b .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u96b8e286c0515dbdbcc2fc28f056f89b { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u96b8e286c0515dbdbcc2fc28f056f89b:active , .u96b8e286c0515dbdbcc2fc28f056f89b:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u96b8e286c0515dbdbcc2fc28f056f89b .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u96b8e286c0515dbdbcc2fc28f056f89b .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u96b8e286c0515dbdbcc2fc28f056f89b .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u96b8e286c0515dbdbcc2fc28f056f89b .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u96b8e286c0515dbdbcc2fc28f056f89b:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u96b8e286c0515dbdbcc2fc28f056f89b .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u96b8e286c0515dbdbcc2fc28f056f89b .u96b8e286c0515dbdbcc2fc28f056f89b-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u96b8e286c0515dbdbcc2fc28f056f89b:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Creativity in Dreams The mind at its Creative Peak Essay In this paper I have tried to explain how the supply and demand of gasoline and its use in automobiles can affect the economy. In conclusion, until such time that gasoline is no longer needed to run automobiles there will be a constant demand for the product, and there will always be organizations such as OPEC around to supply it. Works Cited Brue, Stanley L. and McConnell, Campbell R. . Economics: Principles, Problems, and Policies. Fourteenth Edition. .
Monday, December 2, 2019
Social Control and the Salem Witch Trials Research Paper Example
Social Control and the Salem Witch Trials Paper In life, individuals form groups to obtain a desired good more effectively. This good typically cannot be produced individually, and this particular goods availability is generally limited outside the group. Thus, it seems that it is in an individuals best interest to remain a part of this group and work effectively with other members to produce their desired collective good. However, when members are faced with two opposing courses of action, one which will benefit their individual end and the other that will benefit the group collectively, there are always group members that will choose to pursue the individual end. Using the factors that affect group solidarity it is possible to explain why deviants sometimes pursue their own individual self-interest, and conversely, what causes some latent deviants to remain reputable group members committed to the solidarity of the group. In his book Principles of Group Solidarity, Michael Hechter lists several factors that effect group solidarity. According to Hechter, group solidarity can be defined as each group members willingness to contribute to the interest of the entire group, or the public. Within the group, solidarity varies for two main reasons; the extensiveness of each individuals obligations, and each individuals compliance with their obligations. Dissecting each of these reasons Hechter concludes that an individuals extensiveness of their group obligations will increase when each group member is dependent on one another to produce their desired good. Also, an individuals compliance with their group obligations will increase when the group is effectively monitored, and when sanctions are properly levied. We will write a custom essay sample on Social Control and the Salem Witch Trials specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Social Control and the Salem Witch Trials specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Social Control and the Salem Witch Trials specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Thus, according to Hechter, a group will exhibit solidarity when the members are interdependent on one another to produce their desired good, and an appropriate system of monitoring exists that yields sanctions to deviants. Nevertheless, group solidarity is only as strong as the group member most willing to deviate from their obligations to the group and pursue their own self-interest. Hechter explains that the rational egoist will choose the course of action that, given the information available to them and their ability to process it, they think will produce maximum utility. (Hechter, 30) If the rational egoist chooses to pursue an individual end, rather than the collective interest of the group, this decision could lead to the eventual downfall of the group. Given this account, one would be led to believe that at any time rational group members would deviate from the group in order to satisfy their own self-interests. But as we are about to see, the factors outlined earlier exist to prevent latent deviants from pursuing their individual end. Furthermore, there are some cases when it truly is in the best interest of the individual to pursue the end that will benefit the group collectively, because in turn they will benefit greater from that course of action. We will now look at several examples to show what factors influence the solidarity of a group. Initially, lets consider a rotating credit association, in which a group of individuals contribute to a common fund that is held by each individual for a certain length of time. In order to form such an organization, group solidarity must exist. Each member of the group must feel a sense of dependence on the other members to comply with their obligation to regularly contribute to the fund. Ordinarily, members of a rotating credit association know a great deal about each other; where each member lives, what each member does for a living, etc. Therefore, a high degree of visibility exists among the members, which serves to strengthen the efforts to monitor the group and sanction deviants. In addition, the notion of reputation in the group plays an important role; the individual serves to protect their familys good name by acting in a reputable manner. Yet, there always exists the risk that an individual (a rational egoist) will run off with the fund while it is their turn in the rotation to hold the money, thereby causing the group to collapse and leaving the others without access to credit. In this case, one can reason that deviation is less likely because each member of the group is highly interdependent on one another. Also, unless the deviant planned on completely disappearing from society he would have a hard time making future business transactions. Word of the deviants action would spread making it very unlikely for him to get involved with another credit association or business venture. Thus, remaining in good standing with the rotating credit association is in the best interest of the individual. Now lets turn to another example, insurance groups. We will focus on two such organizations, British friendly societies and American fraternal ethnic associations. In essence these groups were the first formalized insurance funds. Their main purpose was to offer payments to their members in the event of sickness, death, disability, a bad crop, or temporary layoff. In addition to their role as benefactors the insurance groups provided their members with other collective goods. The British friendly societies fostered a social environment in which their members would be able to have a release from their daily routine. The groups often staged their meetings in taverns, and held summer picnics and other such events for the members families. Similarly, the American fraternal ethnic associations provided a means for recent immigrants to stay in tune with their native culture through music, dance, and sporting events. Also, the ethnic associations offered educational and linguistic resources to assist their members with assimilating into their new environment in America. As one can see the benefits of being a part of an insurance group were immense. However, keeping the insurance fund solvent was an equally immense undertaking. There were myriad problems the fund could encounter. If everyone in the insurance group was about the same age depletion of the fund would occur at or around the same time period. Thus, the insurance group had to maintain a steady flow of new entrants to guard against future collapse. If one or a few individuals had sole control over the insurance fund, fraudulent members could embezzle and figure that nobody will notice. Thus, selection of trustworthy and upright officers was important in order to maintain the fund and safeguard against improper distribution. These two problems represent issues that required monitoring, and also sanctions if the situation warranted such action. In order for group solidarity to exist group members had to take a proactive role in the decision making process of issuing insurance benefits. Deviants could easily file a false claim, steal money from the fund, demand more money than they should, or even exhibit more careless behavior than they otherwise would without insurance (a phenomenon known as moral hazard). Yet, generally speaking, most insurance group members complied with their obligation to regularly contribute and enabled the insurance fund to persist. Using the examples drawn from Hechters book in the form of rotating credit associations and insurance groups one can distinguish what factors affect some deviants to pursue their own individual self-interest. If an individual in a group feels as though the extensiveness of their obligations is too comprehensive they will no longer comply with the groups rules. The deviant may decide to free-ride, in which he collects the groups collective good without contributing. The deviant may leave himself open for an unfavorable response from other group members, which will eventually result in sanctions or removal from the group. The deviant may also decide to steal, or embezzle from the group, thereby solidifying their expulsion. The deviant may even decide to start a rival or competing group with more favorable conditions. Conversely, other factors cause individuals to remain reputable group members committed to the solidarity of the group. Basing this on rational choice theory it may be the case that an individual group members self-interest parallels the collective interest of the group. In this situation the individual is acting as a rational egoist in remaining aligned with the goals of the group. Pursuing the collective interest of the group maximizes the individuals utility. Undoubtedly, this is the major reason individuals form groups in the first place, to collectively obtain a desired good more effectively. Additionally, other factors including maintaining a good reputation in the community, and fear of sanctions, guide some latent deviants to pursue the collective interest of the group. They are better off as part the group. Going against the group will only serve to subject these individuals to undue hardship and ill-feelings from people whom they share common interests with. However, without some sort of social control or peer pressure, it is likely to assume that more deviation from the pursuit of the collective good would exist. This notion is exhibited through Arthur Millers portrayal of the Salem witch trials in the movie The Crucible. For our analysis we will consider Salem, Massachusetts, a community that exhibited group solidarity. The entire town worked together to maintain a certain standard of living for their families. Salem had a carpenter, blacksmith, minister, sheriff, several farmers, and servants, all who worked together to produce a collective good for the community; a comfortable standard of living. Despite the groups interdependence on one another, the system began to fall apart in the face of a crisis. When members of the community were faced with two opposing courses of action regarding communication with the devil, some chose to pursue their individual end, while others chose to pursue the course of action that benefited the group collectively. The predominant reason that allowed such a large faction to pursue their individual end revolves around the courts decision to believe Abigail Williams and her crew. By and large, these girls did not contribute to the welfare of the community; they acted as free-riders. For the girls, non-compliance with the groups obligations was easy. They were rarely monitored, and stringent sanctions could result in their families acquiring a reputation for producing deviants. Thus, most conflicts were pushed under the table or out of sight, to save face in the community. Furthermore, even the court failed to follow proper procedure. The trial consisted of the accused either agreeing to prior communication with the devil, or denying the accusation and facing the consequence of death. There was no middle ground, no logical though process, the girls had created hysteria in Salem. Several group members were hung based on the whimsical testimony of a group of deviants. Not surprisingly, Abigail and the girls initially picked on the group members with the lowest levels of status in the community including, beggars and peasants. By establishing their accusations on these unfavorable group members the girls were able to create a snowball effect, in which more and more people began to believe that certain members did in fact participate in communication with the devil. Before too long the girls were in too deep to ever admit guilt. In turn, they created their own group, with their own interdependence rested solely on the premise of not getting caught. At this point a traitor from within would result in death for them all. When Mary Warren, under the supervision of John Proctor, attempted to rectify the girls wrongs, Abigail led a flamboyant reprisal which made Mary Warren look like she had lost her mind. Eventually, once Abigail realized these trials could not persist indefinitely she decided to flee Salem and deviate from yet another group. During her rampage in Salem, Abigails relentless pursuit of her own individual end transformed the culture of the community. While Abigail and her crew of deviants broke down the community, others including John Proctor, and Reverend Hale gave their all to pursue the collective end most beneficial to the solidarity of the group. If we look back on Hechters factors that affect group solidarity (the extensiveness of each individuals obligations, and each individuals compliance with their obligations), we can see why these individuals fostered the collective interest of the group. Proctor, despite his relations with Abigail, represented the community member who looked out for the well-being of his group members. Proctor understood that interdependence of the group, and maintaining a good reputation for his family, would benefit the community and his family in the long run. When faced with the ultimate question, death with dignity or life with disgrace, Proctor chose the course of action that would eliminate these problems for Salem in the future. He took the ultimate sacrifice for the good of the community. Similar to Proctors course of action, Reverend Hale, realized that something must be done to suppress the deviants from creating any further problems. Having prior experience in uncovering witchcraft, Reverend Hale was initially called in to assess the situation and if the need existed, eradicate the devil from Salem. Unexpectedly, once he had a chance to fully analyze the situation it became clear that the girls who were allegedly suffering from witchcraft were the source of the problem. In an effort to comply with his obligations to Salem, Reverend Hale urged Judge Danforth to see beyond the girls deviant actions. He knew John Proctor was telling the truth, he knew Abigail was lying when she alleged Elizabeth Proctors spirit stabbed a needle in her abdomen, he knew the situation in Salem was out of control. Individuals were being put to death and Reverend Hale was trying his hardest to correct the situation. Relating John Proctors and Reverend Hales actions to Hechters reasoning, one would conclude that as the Salem witch trials progressed the extensiveness of their obligations to the community increased. These two men realized that the welfare of the community rested on their shoulders. In order for Salem to remain solvent in the years to come, free from the grips of the deviants who preached witchcraft, John Proctor needed to stand up against Judge Danforth and set an example. To John Proctor, his strong personal ties within the group, the cost of moving away from Salem, and the value he placed on his familys good name, were stronger than life itself. To Reverend Hale, the pursuit to benefit the collective welfare of Salem, his original mission, was of the utmost importance. As we have now seen through several examples, group solidarity varies for two main reasons; the extensiveness of each individuals obligations, and each individuals compliance with their obligations. When group members are faced with two opposing courses of action, one which will benefit their individual end and the other that will benefit the group collectively, the individual subliminally considers each variant and chooses a course of action. Based on factors including, the interdependence of the group, the visibility of each group member, the probability of getting caught (monitoring), and the probability of facing a sanction, the rational egoist choose[s] the course of action that they think will produce maximum utility. (Hechter, 30) Hence, in each group there exist members who will always be more inclined to deviate than others. The degrees to which these factors are employed within the group determine the actual level of deviation from the pursuit of the collective interest of the group. I am particularly happy with the way that I make sure each topic/example relates to the thesis and gives examples to substantiate the claim. As far as Im concerned the paper flows well from one thought to another. I didnt necessarily have any trouble writing the paper, although there were times when I did not think that I would be able to reach about 9 pages. Based on my outline, I figured Id have to cut down, or simplify the paper, but that proved not to be the case.
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